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Pediatric Neurology



Lumbar Puncture (CSF Examination)

Roy Sucholeiki, MD, Medical Director, Comprehensive Seizure and Epilepsy Program, The Neurosciences Institute at Central DuPage Hospital
Contributor Information and Disclosures

Updated: Apr 24, 2006


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was first examined in the 19th century using primitive techniques (eg, sharpened bird quills). CSF analysis reached a peak in the 1950s and early 1960s, when almost no workup of a significant central nervous system (CNS) problem was performed without a lumbar puncture (LP).

With the advent of sophisticated imaging techniques, particularly computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), LP is no longer an important test in the diagnosis of most intracranial mass lesions. This is especially true with the potential risk of brain herniation if intracranial pressure (ICP) is increased markedly. LP remains a critical procedure in the diagnosis of CNS infections and inflammatory diseases.

Diagnostic and therapeutic uses

The past 2 decades have seen an increase in the sophistication of CSF analysis allowing immunologic confirmation of certain infections (eg, Lyme disease) and fractionation of CSF proteins (eg, myelin basic protein). CSF analysis remains important in the diagnosis of infections (eg, bacterial, mycobacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan) and certain inflammatory diseases (eg, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, vasculitis). Moreover, CSF analysis can be helpful in the diagnosis of unusual illnesses, such as pediatric neurotransmitter diseases, as well as particular inborn errors of metabolism (with normal serum and urine analysis) that can cause infantile epilepsy.

CSF analysis also is an important diagnostic tool in subarachnoid hemorrhage and leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Indeed, the extent to which CSF reflects the chemistry of surrounding tissue, and the significant differences in composition from plasma, are reviewed elegantly by Hochwald in his chapter in Clinical Neurology.

LP itself can be therapeutic, particularly in benign intracranial hypertension (ie, pseudotumor cerebri), in which serial LPs may be used for treatment. It is used as an access method, most commonly for spinal anesthesia, but also for introduction of radiopaque contrast media (eg, myelography), corticosteroids, antibiotics, and chemotherapeutic agents. However, this article concentrates on the primary diagnostic uses of LP and the examination of CSF.

For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Procedures Center. Also, see eMedicine's patient education article Spinal Tap.

Lumbar Puncture Technique

LP is performed in the interspaces between the lumbar vertebrae, usually at the L4-L5 level. In unusual circumstances, a tap can be done at higher levels. Even at these higher levels the probability of injuring the spinal cord is small. Nevertheless, this should be reserved for situations in which access to the usual sites has been obliterated (eg, by extensive orthopedic fusion) and a specific need exists for the information obtained from the procedure.

The spinal cord typically ends at the L1 level in adults (slightly lower in children). If consideration is being given to an LP above the L4-L5 level, it should be performed with subspecialist assistance and with great caution. Fluoroscopic guidance may be helpful in these and other difficult situations. A "clean" specimen obtained fluoroscopically is more helpful than a "traumatic" (ie, blood contaminated) specimen obtained at the bedside.

CSF also can be obtained from the cisterna magna by a tap below the external occipital protuberance. However, this technique should rarely, if ever, be required and again should be performed with subspecialist assistance.


The spinal needle used today is disposable. The clinician should inspect the spinal needle for any defects. A 20-gauge needle for adults, or a 22-gauge needle for children, is used typically. Various designs have been marketed, with the aims of increasing ease of use and reducing incidence of post-LP dural leak that could result in spinal headache.

Overall, using atraumatic needle (vs cutting type) and smaller needle size is recommended, as these decrease the chance of post–lumbar puncture headache.

After carefully explaining the procedure to the patient and/or responsible caregiver, including the risks and benefits of the procedure, the most important determinant in successfully obtaining a CSF specimen is patient positioning. This may require the assistance of a nurse and/or other paramedical personnel. Sedative medication may be required in children or in the confused or combative patient.

The bed/gurney should be flat, and the patient should be lying on his/her side (horizontal lateral decubitus position). The patient's body needs to be perfectly perpendicular to the bed/gurney. The patient should assume the fetal position (ie, head/neck, arms, legs flexed as much as possible). The apex of the pelvic bone should be identified and a direct line should be visualized to the spine. The location so identified should be well below the tip of the conus. Two spinous processes in this area (ie, L4 and L5 levels) should be identified by palpation.


Local anesthetic should be infiltrated and then the area should be prepared carefully and draped. The spinal needle then is positioned between the 2 spinous processes already identified and introduced into the skin with the bevel of the needle facing up. The needle should be advanced slowly at a slightly upward angle (ie, toward the patient's head).

Accurate placement of the needle is rewarded by a slight "give" and flow of fluid, which normally is clear and colorless. Some resistance may be noted, usually in patients who have some thickening of the dura (eg, elderly patient), but if a feeling of hitting bone is noted, this is probably what is occurring. As with any procedure, experience improves the success rate. One of the primary goals is to prevent the introduction of blood into the CSF sample.

A measurement of opening pressure should be attempted, unless the patient is so uncooperative as to invalidate the reading. CSF pressure should be measured with the subject in the horizontal lateral decubitus position (as described previously) and relaxed as much as possible. Normal range is 80-180 mm H2 O, with small, visible excursions related to respiration and pulse. In cases of extremely high pressure (eg, 7300 mm H2 O) the smallest sample possible (for the required testing) should be removed, followed by consideration of CSF pressure-lowering treatment, with continuous monitoring of the pressure until it decreases significantly.

Although radiographic screening identifies patients with intracranial mass lesions (with possible associated increased ICP), ICP increases may be due to cerebral edema secondary to causes such as infection, tumor cell infiltration, and benign intracranial hypertension. Detection of increased CSF pressure (ie, >220 mm H2 O) permits treatment (eg, mannitol, corticosteroids, hyperventilation) even before the etiology is identified. Commercially available LP sets contain a manometer and stopcock for this purpose.

Following determination of CSF pressure, CSF samples should be obtained. Only a few milliliters are needed for basic studies (eg, protein, glucose). Specialized tests that require concentration of the CSF (eg, cell count, specific antibody studies) require more CSF.

In the event of a very low pressure, the question of spinal block may need to be addressed. In 1916, Queckenstedt described a technique for compression of the jugular veins (by an assistant) with concomitant rise in CSF pressure if the subarachnoid space is open. Although this technique is potentially useful, more frequently spinal block is confirmed and its cause determined by standard myelography.

Important points

If the opening pressure is high, the specimens still should be collected, because any change in intracranial dynamics caused by the LP has occurred already. Premature needle removal without collecting CSF will not change this situation. If the fluid appears to be bloody, several specimens should be collected. If the blood clears in successive tubes then the blood, at least in part, was traumatic in origin. Unfortunately, this sign is neither specific nor sensitive, as in some traumatic taps the amount of blood increases in subsequent tubes.

In cases in which the clarity of the CSF is in doubt (eg, a hazy appearance can be produced by either RBCs or WBCs), a tube of CSF should be compared with a tube of water against a fluorescent light bulb or X-ray view box.

When sufficient fluid is obtained, the needle is withdrawn and a dry sterile dressing applied to the puncture site. Prolonged compression of the site, or keeping the patient supine for an extended period, has not been proven to reduce the incidence of spinal headache. Spinal headache is characterized by pulsatile head pain, with or without nausea, relieved by lying down and aggravated by standing and Valsalva maneuvers. It is self-limited but may last up to a week (or rarely longer).

The placement of an epidural blood patch using the patient's own venous blood often corrects this problem. However, the need for a blood patch is uncommon. The use of intravenous caffeine benzoate (500 mg infusion over 1 h) also has been found to treat post-LP headaches effectively in double-blind, controlled trials.

Csf Analysis

Separate specimens should be sent for microscopic study and for centrifugation. The latter must be done promptly, as RBCs hemolyze within a few hours. Normal CSF may contain as many as 5 lymphocytes per cubic millimeter.

A larger-than-usual number of WBCs suggests infection or, more rarely, leukemic infiltration. While bacterial infections traditionally are associated with a preponderance of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), many cases of viral meningitis/encephalitis also have a high percentage of PMNs in the acute phase of the illness (when in fact, most LPs are done). In addition, inflammation from any source (eg, CNS vasculitis) can raise the WBC count.

A traumatic tap will, of course, introduce both WBCs and RBCs into the CSF. An approximation of 1 WBC per 1000 RBCs can be made, although a repeat tap may be preferable. While no normal value for RBCs in the CSF is known, an occasional RBC may be incident to the tap.


The best way to distinguish RBCs related to intracranial bleeding is examination of the centrifuged supernatant CSF for xanthochromia (yellow color). Although xanthochromia can be confirmed visually, it is identified and quantified more accurately in the laboratory.

While xanthochromia can be produced by spillover from a very high serum bilirubin level (ie, >15 mg/dL), patients with severe hyperbilirubinemia usually have been identified prior to the LP (eg, jaundice, known liver disease). With this exception, the presence of xanthochromia in a freshly spun specimen is evidence of preexistent blood in the subarachnoid space. However, note that an extremely high CSF protein level, as seen in LPs below a complete spinal block, also renders the fluid xanthochromic, though without RBCs.

Xanthochromia can persist up to several weeks following a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Thus it has greater diagnostic sensitivity than a CT scan of the head without contrast, especially if the SAH has occurred more than 3-4 days prior to presentation. Patients with aneurysmal leaks (ie, sentinel hemorrhages) may present days after headache onset, increasing the likelihood of a false-negative head CT scan.

In some cases, the CSF may be another color that strongly suggests a diagnosis. For example, pseudomonal meningitis may be associated with bright green CSF.

Other tests

Assuming the CSF has been collected under sterile conditions, microbiologic studies can be performed. Stains, cultures, and immunoglobulin titers can be obtained. The latter are of special importance in diseases in which peripheral manifestations fade while CNS symptoms persist (eg, syphilis, Lyme disease).

Assessment of CSF protein level, while nonspecific, can be a clue to otherwise unsuspected neurologic disease. The high protein levels in demyelinating polyneuropathies, or postinfectious states, can be informative. A traumatic tap can introduce protein into the CSF. An approximation of 1 mg of protein per 750 RBCs may be used, although a repeat tap is preferable.

CSF glucose level normally approximates 60% of the peripheral blood glucose level at the time of the tap. A simultaneous measurement of blood glucose (especially if the CSF glucose level is likely to be low) is recommended. Low CSF glucose level usually is associated with bacterial infection (probably due to enzymatic inhibition rather that actual bacterial consumption of the glucose). It also is seen in tumor infiltration, and may be one of the hallmarks of meningeal carcinomatosis, even with negative cytologic findings. High CSF glucose level has no specific diagnostic significance and is most often spillover from elevated blood glucose level.

Leptomeningeal malignancies: Multiple LP examinations may be required in this situation. At least 3 negative cytologic evaluations (ie, 3 separate samplings) are required to rule out leptomeningeal malignancy (eg, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis).

Risks Of Lumbar Puncture

The physician should have a detailed discussion with the patient and/or the caregivers concerning the risks/benefits of the LP procedure. Significant risks include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Post–spinal tap headache
  • Nerve root trauma (eg, previous surgery in the area, scar tissue)
  • CNS infection (eg, immunocompromised patients)
  • Cranial, cervical, and lumbar subdural (more common) hematomas (eg, patients on anticoagulation therapy)
  • Also possible but very rare are discitis, system/portal venous gas (following a traumatic tap), clinical deterioration in the presence of dural arteriovenous fistula, symptomatic pneumocephalus in a patient with normal pressure hydrocephalus, cranial nerve palsies (4th and 6th)


The tests described here constitute the basic CSF analysis. Virtually any CSF analysis should include cell counts, examination for xanthochromia, and protein and glucose studies. Beyond this, culture, serologic tests for syphilis, Lyme titer, electrophoretic pattern, myelin basic protein (for multiple sclerosis), cryptococcal antigen, angiotensin-converting enzyme level (ie, in suspected sarcoidosis), bacterial stains, and cytologic studies should be ordered on an individual basis. Because a CSF specimen is comparatively difficult to obtain, a bit more tolerance for more tests usually is allowed. In summary, LP and CSF examination, while their indications have been reduced, remain indispensable tools in the armamentarium of neurologic diagnosis.


CSF analysis, cerebrospinal fluid examination, LP, intracranial mass lesions, intracranial pressure, ICP, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, CNS vasculitis, CNS infections, subarachnoid hemorrhage, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, benign intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri, xanthochromia, sentinel hemorrhages, pseudomonal meningitis, syphilis, leptomeningeal malignancies, post–spinal tap headache, nerve root trauma, intraspinal hematoma, sarcoidosis

Muscle Biopsy and the Pathology of Skeletal Muscle

Roberta J Seidman, MD, Director of Neuropathology, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Stony Brook University Medical Center
Contributor Information and Disclosures

Updated: Nov 2, 2006


Muscle biopsy plays an integral role in evaluation of the patient with neuromuscular disease. With occasional exceptions, it is an essential element in the assessment of a patient with suspected myopathy. In addition to being indispensable for the evaluation of muscle diseases, muscle biopsy is also involved in the evaluation of suspected neuropathic disease, particularly in the distinction of an atypical neurogenic disorder from a primary myopathic one, and for diagnosis of a variety of systemic disorders.

The surgical procedure to obtain a muscle biopsy is relatively simple and poses little risk to the patient, but it is a specialized procedure and must be performed properly to optimize the information it can yield for the benefit of the patient.

The clinician must first arrive at a rational differential diagnosis by synthesizing information obtained from the clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory and electrodiagnostic studies. This information is used to influence the details of each procedure. The choices of the right time for biopsy, which muscle to select, how many specimens to obtain, and how to handle them immediately following excision are individualized for each patient on the basis of clinical findings.

After the biopsy arrives in the pathology laboratory, it undergoes a complex series of studies. The pathologist uses knowledge of the clinical features to assist in interpretation of the constellation of pathologic findings in the biopsy and to help determine whether additional studies are warranted for a given patient.

Therefore, muscle biopsy is somewhat complex in that an optimal outcome requires coordination of the clinician, surgical team, pathologist, and technical staff in the pathology laboratory. As muscle biopsy results are often interpreted at specialized centers, a courier service also may need to be involved in the process; this is yet one more link in the chain from procedure to diagnosis.

Every muscle pathologist has a series of stories about biopsy procedures that were performed improperly. Many of these situations were salvaged and yielded diagnoses, but on occasion, the specimen was inadequate for the diagnosis under consideration or some aspect of the procedure was performed so improperly that the procedure had to be repeated.

Occasional situations exist when the biopsy must be repeated for precise diagnosis and no one is at fault. Some situations in which this may occur include the following:

  • A normal biopsy result without pathologic findings in the setting of a high level of clinical suspicion of a disorder with a patchy distribution, such as polymyositis
  • An atypical presentation of a rare metabolic disorder, which would not ordinarily be suspected before biopsy

Unsuitable, suboptimal, or inadequate biopsy specimens usually can be attributed to lack of planning and forethought; no excuse exists for this situation. The single most important point to remember when one contemplates muscle biopsy (also the single most important point of this article) is to call the pathology laboratory in advance for advice on how to proceed.

Indications for Muscle Biopsy

When a clinical diagnosis of myopathy is considered, muscle biopsy is required (with occasional exceptions).

Muscle biopsy is an integral part of the initial evaluation of a patient with possible muscle disease, or myopathy. At present, muscle biopsy is absolutely essential part of the diagnostic investigation of most categories of muscle diseases, including inflammatory and many metabolic and congenital myopathies, as well as most of the muscular dystrophies.

Today, the most specific and definitive effective therapies are for inflammatory myopathies. Performing muscle biopsy to diagnose these disorders before the start of therapy is of critical importance for several reasons:

  • The risk of treatment, including steroids, immunosuppressive agents, and, in some cases, intravenous immunoglobulin, is high enough that the diagnosis should be confirmed before therapy is started.
  • A delay often occurs between the start of therapy and a clinical response. To persevere in the absence of a prompt clinical response, confidence in the diagnosis before therapy is beneficial.
  • Treatment can alter the histopathologic findings. If treatment is started and then biopsy is done because of a lack of clinical response to the therapy, the pathologic findings can be difficult or impossible to interpret because the intervention may have altered them.

Repeat muscle biopsy is occasionally indicated to evaluate the patient with known inflammatory myopathy who, after improvement with steroid therapy, has increasing weakness. Biopsy findings can help distinguish between exacerbation of the disorder and steroid myopathy.

For other disorders with therapeutic options less definitive than those for inflammatory myopathies, several reasons underlie the importance of obtaining a precise diagnosis:

  • Palliative therapies are indicated for some patients.
  • Some patients' disorders are eligible for therapeutic clinical trials.
  • Many conditions are hereditary diseases, and diagnosis is required for proper genetic counseling.
  • Patients may benefit from prognostic information.

One common indication for muscle biopsy is to distinguish between myopathy and neuropathy. Their classic presentations are clearly distinct; however, in practice, their histories and physical and laboratory findings often overlap. Neuropathy and myopathy may also coexist, making a diagnosis based on clinical findings alone even more difficult than it already is.

When a Muscle Biopsy is Not Indicated

The only exceptions to the requirement for muscle biopsy for accurate diagnosis of possible myopathy are suspected dystrophinopathies (also known as Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophies), some rare congenital and limb-girdle dystrophies (Vogel, 2005), myotonic dystrophy, certain mitochondrial disorders, periodic paralyses, and endocrine myopathies.

Dystrophinopathies and certain other muscular dystrophies

Recent advances in molecular genetics have eliminated the need for muscle biopsy in some patients with dystrophinopathies. In these patients, mutations, most commonly deletions, can be demonstrated in the gene for dystrophin, a structural protein of skeletal muscle located on the X chromosome. The gene for this protein is extremely large (2 million base pairs); this size usually precludes searching the entire gene for point mutations. Muscle biopsy is still required for definitive diagnosis in approximately 40% of patients with these disorders in whom genetic testing based on current methods is uninformative.

Genetic testing is available for fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy and Perlecan deficiency (Schwartz-Jampel syndrome). Therefore, muscle biopsy, for which findings are nonspecific, is generally not indicated to diagnose these disorders.

Myotonic dystrophy

Myotonic dystrophy now can be diagnosed definitively by means of genetic testing to look for the characteristic increase in triplet repeats in a gene for a protein kinase. This method is far superior to muscle biopsy for diagnosing myotonic dystrophy because the findings on muscle biopsy are not specifically diagnostic; however, they may be generally helpful to support this diagnosis and exclude other disorders.

Periodic paralyses

Periodic paralyses, uncommon disorders that result from mutations in a variety of genes for muscle membrane ion channels, have unique clinical, biochemical, and electrodiagnostic features. They lack diagnostic findings on muscle biopsy, though dilatation of the T tubule system is found in some patients with hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Muscle biopsy can also demonstrate a nonspecific myopathic picture in these disorders. Typically vacuoles are seen on the biopsy sample.

Endocrine myopathies

Myopathy can be a feature of disorders of thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal function. The correct way to diagnose endocrine myopathies is to recognize their clinical presentations and follow this with serologic testing for appropriate components of the hypothalamic-pituitary–endocrine organ axis.

Myotonic dystrophy, periodic paralyses, and endocrine myopathies are not considered further in this article.

Clinical and Laboratory Features of Neuromuscular Disease

Clinical features

Few findings in a muscle biopsy are pathognomonic for a specific diagnosis. Instead, a typical muscle biopsy sample presents a constellation of findings that must be interpreted in light of the clinical history. Therefore, the pathologist must know the clinical features of a given patient to properly assess the clinically significance of the histologic findings in a muscle biopsy sample and to decide whether to pursue additional special studies.

The clinical hallmark of neuromuscular disease, whether of neurogenic or myopathic origin, is weakness. Weakness is manifested in age-related variations. For example, in utero weakness may be expressed as decreased fetal movements and may be recognized by a woman who has had previous pregnancies. In the neonatal period, the infant may be floppy. In later infancy and during the toddler years, delay in an acquisition of motor-developmental milestones is likely the major sign of weakness. From childhood through adulthood, diminished muscle power is a characteristic clinical feature of neuromuscular disease.

The classical clinical features of myopathy include the following:

  • Weakness, which predominantly affects the proximal muscle groups (eg, shoulder and limb girdles)
  • Myalgia, or muscle aching, which is present in some patients with inflammatory myopathy (Muscle pain is also found in some patients with metabolic diseases affecting muscle and occurs when the energy supply of the muscle is depleted and lactic acid builds up.)
  • Preservation of muscle-stretch reflexes
  • Absence of abnormalities of somatosensation

Variation of strength with exercise can occur in some patients with muscle disease. This can mean either decremental or incremental change in strength with activity that would not result in this change in a healthy individual.

  • Fluctuation of muscle power can suggest a metabolic myopathy. For example, in McArdle disease, a deficiency of myophosphorylase causes an inability to mobilize glycogen. A patient with this disorder has pain and weakness during the anaerobic phase of exercise. If the patient can exercise at a low level during the anaerobic phase to avoid drawing on glycogen stores, when the aerobic phase of exercise is finally reached and glycogenolysis no longer is needed, the patient's performance improves.
  • Fatigability is a term that denotes progressive loss of muscle power with exertion that improves with rest. This is a defining clinical feature of myasthenia gravis, a disorder of impaired neuromuscular transmission. Muscle biopsy is typically not performed for myasthenia gravis.

In contrast to myopathy, the classic clinical features of peripheral neuropathy include the following:

  • Weakness predominantly affecting distal musculature
  • Decrease of muscle-stretch reflexes, particularly in demyelinating neuropathies
  • Fasciculations, when abnormal excitability of the motor neuron is present
  • Somatosensory abnormalities

In their conventional clinical presentations, distinguishing muscle disease from peripheral nerve disease is a straightforward matter. In practice, this is not always simple. Several reasons explain why it may be difficult to determine whether a patient has neuropathy or myopathy on clinical evaluation:

  • Some myopathies affect distal muscles. Myotonic dystrophy, inclusion-body myositis (IBM), and distal myopathy of Welander are examples of myopathies that may affect distal muscle groups.
  • Some neurogenic disorders, including diabetic amyotrophy and motor neuron disease, may affect proximal muscles.
  • Some patients may have combined neurogenic and myopathic disorders. For example, a patient with neuropathy related to diabetes mellitus may develop an inflammatory myopathy. A patient who has peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy for cancer may develop dermatomyositis. A patient may have radiculopathy caused by degenerative joint disease in the vertebral column and a primary myopathy. In these examples, the clinical findings are complicated and may lead to diagnostic confusion.

Laboratory studies

The serum creatine kinase (CK) level is the single most important blood value to obtain when myopathy is being considered. A representative reference range is 24-196 IU/L. The CK level is useful, but not definitive, in determining whether neuropathy or myopathy is present. Extremely elevated levels of CK (>1000 IU/L) almost always indicate muscle disease. Mildly elevated levels (200-600 IU/L) can be observed in either entity, and normal levels are less likely to be found in the patient with myopathy. Patients with myopathy and severely reduced residual muscle mass may have a normal serum CK level.

The serum aldolase level may be helpful in further suggesting myopathy. Because of its longer half-life in serum, the serum aldolase level may be elevated in the setting of myopathy when the CK level is normal.

Electrodiagnostic studies

Electrodiagnostic studies are often extremely useful in determining whether a neuropathic, myopathic, or mixed disorder is present.

Changes in nerve conduction velocities and the compound muscle-action potential can be present in neurogenic disorders.

Electromyography (EMG) shows different findings in neurogenic and myopathic disorders and can be useful to help distinguish them. Avoiding EMG in a muscle that will undergo biopsy is of critical importance. EMG inflicts damage on the muscle that interferes with proper interpretation of biopsy results for 1-2 months. In patients with suspected myopathy, needle EMG should be performed on only 1 side.

Technical Considerations

The technical issues that must be addressed by the physicians involved are the proper selection of a muscle for biopsy, the biopsy procedure and immediate handling of the tissue in the operating room, and studies performed on the biopsy sample.


Selection of a muscle for biopsy

Biopsy of a clinically involved muscle is important. Some disease processes have a patchy, rather than a diffuse, distribution. To increase the likelihood of sampling the pathologic process, selecting a symptomatic muscle is important. Select a muscle on the basis of the expected distribution of the leading clinical diagnosis. For example, if the leading diagnostic consideration is polymyositis, select a proximal muscle such as the vastus lateralis of the quadriceps, for biopsy.

Biopsy a muscle that is not too weak and atrophic (see Media file 1). In this situation, obtaining a sample of end-stage muscle is a risk. In end-stage muscle, loss of myofibers is severe, and they are replaced by fibrovascular and adipose tissue, without residual clues to the process that caused the muscle damage. On occasion, only the presence of a muscle spindle confirms that the specimen is a biopsy sample of skeletal muscle (see Media file 2).

Biopsy procedure and immediate handling of tissue

The specimens required and the preferred method of handling may vary among medical centers. Consulting the center that will receive the biopsy sample is essential to learn exactly what is required and the preferred method of handling and shipping the tissue. However, the surgeon must ultimately determine the precise surgical method for each patient. Consider the information below a general guide. These considerations should be tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient and institution.

The typical muscle biopsy sample consists of 2 specimens: fresh and fixed. In certain special clinical circumstances, a third sample is required for biochemical or genetic analysis.

On occasion, a muscle biopsy sample consists only of a single fresh specimen obtained by means of needle biopsy. This method provides a specimen of limited size. However, this procedure may be the method of choice, as follows:

  • When serial biopsy procedures are required to follow the course of the disease or to monitor the response to therapy in a patient
  • When a disease with diffuse distribution is being diagnosed so that any sample of tissue is likely to be pathologic
  • When a sample of muscle is needed for only biochemical study
  • When open biopsy is contraindicated

Fresh specimen

A fresh specimen (see Media file 3) is used for histochemical studies in all patients and for immunofluorescence in selected patients, when indicated. It should measure approximately 0.5 X 0.5 cm in cross-section, or 0.5 cm in diameter, and 1 cm in length along the longitudinal axis of the muscle fibers.

The sample can be sent to the laboratory on saline-moistened gauze in a sealed container on ice. This technique keeps the specimen cold but does not cause it to freeze. The tissue should not be immersed in sodium chloride solution because this leads to the formation of ice crystals in the myofibers when the sample is frozen. When the specimen arrives in the laboratory, the technologist mounts it in gum tragacanth in the appropriate orientation and snap freezes it in isopentane chilled in liquid nitrogen. Frozen cryostat sections are cut from this sample.

In the optimal situation, this fresh specimen is rapidly transported to the laboratory for processing to prevent the tissue from losing any of its enzymatic reactivity or immunogenicity for immunohistochemical studies. However, in most situations, refrigeration of the specimen is probably adequate for most necessary studies after an overnight delay or even a delay of a few days (though a delay longer than overnight is definitely not recommended).

Fixed specimen

A fixed specimen (see Media file 4) is used for routine microscopy and possible electron microscopy (EM). EM is reserved for special situations in which it may substantially contribute to the diagnosis. The fixed specimen should have dimensions similar to those of the fresh specimen. It must be handled properly to maintain orientation of the fibers, to keep the fibers at rest length, and to prevent contraction.

The sample is optimally removed from the patient by using a special clamp designed for this purpose, such as the 10-mm Rayport clamp (see Media file 4). A segment of muscle of the desired dimensions is dissected. The bottom portion of the clamp is inserted below this segment of muscle in the posts-up position so that the length of the fibers runs perpendicular to the jaws of the clamp. After the bottom portion of the clamp is inserted, the top portion of the Rayport clamp can be folded over and the holes fitted onto the bottom posts. The surgeon then excises the fibers 1-2 mm external to the clamp. The specimen is placed in fixative. The preferred fixative is 4% paraformaldehyde.

If a special clamp is not available for the procedure, alternative methods of obtaining the fixed specimen are available. It can be obtained in a manner similar to how fresh specimen are obtained and sent to the laboratory fresh, where the technologists perform the procedures needed for immobilization and fixation. Another method involves suturing the specimen to a tongue blade for immobilization prior to fixation.

If paraformaldehyde is not available, 10% neutral buffered formalin is an acceptable alternative for most light microscopic purposes. If, however, EM is desired, the specimen initially fixed in paraformaldehyde has ultrastructural preservation better than that of a sample fixed in formalin. Paraformaldehyde is also superior to formalin for immunohistochemical studies for surface markers.

If paraformaldehyde is not available and EM is anticipated, a small portion of muscle can be placed directly in 3% glutaraldehyde at the time of biopsy for submission to the EM laboratory. This sample should be maintained at rest length before it is immersed in the fixative to prevent contraction of the muscle. The specimen placed in glutaraldehyde must be small because glutaraldehyde penetrates tissue slowly.

After overnight fixation, the technologist separates a small section and submits it in glutaraldehyde for embedment for EM. The remainder is submitted for paraffin processing, with the end of the specimen removed and placed in cross-section and most submitted in longitudinal section.

 Optional additional fresh specimen

An additional fresh specimen is required in selected patients when the presence of a metabolic myopathy or some of the muscular dystrophies is strongly suspected. The sample may be sent to specialized laboratories for assessment of specific enzymatic activities (eg, mitochondrial enzymes) or for measurement of specific protein constituents in muscle (eg, protein dystrophin).

This specimen should be of dimensions similar to those of the other specimens and should be snap frozen in liquid nitrogen at the location of the procedure because of the lability of some of these cellular constituents. Store it in a freezer at -70°C. Alert laboratory personnel in advance if the need for this type of specimen is anticipated. Many medical centers are not equipped to perform this service.

Studies performed on the biopsy sample

Light microscopy

The actual methods for performing the stains can be found in histology textbooks and pathology laboratory manuals. Immunohistochemical stains must be performed by a laboratory set up for this purpose. The manufacturer provides instructions for use of each individual antibody.

Frozen sample

For every muscle biopsy, a battery of stains is performed on the frozen sample in addition to the routine hematoxylin and eosin (H-E) stain. These assist in the evaluation of neurogenic or other types of atrophy, metabolic diseases, and demonstration of structural changes or inclusions diagnostic of specific disorders. These studies cannot be performed on material that has been fixed and embedded in paraffin. After review of the initial battery of stains, if the clinical and pathologic findings warrant, the pathologist may decide to perform additional special stains.

The battery of stains performed on every biopsy includes the following:

  • H-E: This stain is the routine histologic stain used for evaluation of basic tissue organization and cellular structure.
  • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH): With this stain, the activity of this group of enzymes is demonstrated by the transfer of hydrogen to a compound that turns gray-blue when it is reduced. These enzymes are found in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. This stain is used to assist in evaluating for neurogenic atrophy, mitochondrial disorders, and central core disease and is useful in detecting subtle alterations of intracellular structure in a myofiber that suggest it is not well.
  • Fiber-typing stains: Muscle is composed of 2 main myofiber types: 1 and 2. Many disease processes characteristically affect 1 type or the other, resulting in atrophy of either type 1 or 2 myofibers. Other processes, such as neurogenic atrophy, alter the distribution of both types.
    • Most laboratories use a myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) stain at multiple pH levels to demonstrate the different fiber types. This is a difficult, labor-intensive stain to perform.
    • An immunohistochemical stain for the different myosin heavy chains found in type 1 and type 2 myofibers is an alternative method for demonstrating the 2 types of myofiber. The limitations of this method are not well defined at this time. (Novocastra [Newcastle upon Tyne, England] recommends it for research purposes only.) Immunohistochemical stains are now available for different forms of myosin ATPase.
  • Modified Gomori trichrome: This stain is particularly helpful in evaluating for the presence of mitochondrial disorders, IBM, and nemaline myopathy.
  • Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS): This stains glycogen and other polysaccharides. It is most useful for the diagnosis of glycogen storage diseases. PAS also stains the basal lamina of vessel walls, so it can be useful for evaluating the structure of vessels.
  • Fat stains, Sudan Black, or oil red O: These stains are used to demonstrate the presence of neutral lipids in muscle, which are normally present but can exist in abnormal amounts or distribution in carnitine deficiency, some mitochondrial disorders, acquired metabolic disorders (such as in starvation) and nonspecific abnormalities of the myofibers.

Additional special stains that can be performed on the frozen sample when the clinical history and findings in the initial battery of stains warrant include the following:

  • For muscular dystrophies, immunohistochemical studies for dystrophin, sarcoglycan, merosin, and other structural proteins can be performed. The results of these then can be used to direct special biochemical analysis that will lead to a specific diagnosis.
  • For some metabolic disorders, the enzymatic activities of myophosphorylase, phosphofructokinase, myoadenylate deaminase, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), and cytochrome oxidase (COX) can be performed.
  • For dermatomyositis, immunofluorescence can be performed to look for membrane attack complex of complement in vessel walls.

Paraffin specimen

Paraffin sections are usually stained with H-E. This specimen consists of a large surface of fibers oriented in the longitudinal direction and a piece in cross-section. A relatively large amount of tissue usually is exposed in each paraffin section; therefore, this specimen is extremely useful for evaluating for processes with a nonuniform distribution (eg, inflammatory myopathies, vasculitis). The fixed and paraffin-embedded specimen maintains more cellular detail than the frozen specimen, making it the preferred sample for detecting subtle evidence of myofiber necrosis, for determining the type of inflammatory infiltrate present, and for examining the structure of vessels walls.

When indicated, special stains can be performed on the paraffin specimen. These include the following:

  • Special stains for organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites
  • Elastic stains to evaluate for disruption of the elastic lamina of arteries in vasculitis
  • Immunohistochemical stains to determine the subtypes of inflammatory cells within an infiltrate and a variety of other purposes
  • In situ hybridization for identification of viruses
  • Congo red or thioflavin S staining for amyloid

Electron microscopy

While a small sample of every muscle biopsy should be set aside for possible EM, performing EM muscle biopsy samples is not a routine procedure. It is reserved for selected circumstances in which the pathologist determines that EM has the potential of contributing significantly to determining a specific diagnosis. The pathologist uses knowledge of the clinical history and findings of light microscopic studies to decide if EM is indicated.

EM is costly, time-consuming, and requires a specialized laboratory and technical expertise. Some technical aspects of EM are described below.

  • Fixation: If the specimen is fixed in paraformaldehyde, it is transferred to 3% glutaraldehyde after sufficient time has passed for the paraformaldehyde to penetrate the tissue. This depends on the size of the specimen, but overnight fixation is more than satisfactory for this. Glutaraldehyde may provide a bit more cross-linking of the membranes, which is needed for EM.
    • If paraformaldehyde is not available, the tissue, held at rest length by pinning to cork, can be placed directly in glutaraldehyde. Because glutaraldehyde does not penetrate the tissue as well as paraformaldehyde, a specimen placed in glutaraldehyde must be small, approximately 1-2 mm in width and depth. Glutaraldehyde makes tissue brittle and interferes with immunohistochemical studies, so it is not appropriate for the paraffin specimen.
    • If the tissue is fixed in formalin, it is not as well preserved for EM as it is with paraformaldehyde or glutaraldehyde. Performing EM on tissue fixed only in formalin is possible, but the results are suboptimal. Cutting tissue out of a paraffin block or removing it from a slide is possible for EM, but the likelihood of obtaining useful results with these methods is limited.
  • Embedding the tissue: After fixation, the tissue is divided into 1-mm3 samples, postfixed with osmium tetroxide, and embedded in epoxy resin. Samples are oriented in either longitudinal or transverse direction prior to polymerization of the resin. The process of embedment requires 2 days.
  • Survey sections: Survey sections for light microscopy, 1 micron in thickness, termed semithin or thick sections, are cut from the material embedded in plastic. The pathologist reviews these and areas of interest are chosen for EM.
  • Thin sections: An ultramicrotome with a diamond knife is used to cut sections for ultrastructural study. These then are stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. They are placed in an EM and examined.
  • Selected clinical circumstances in which EM is useful include the following:
    • When seeking evidence to support a diagnosis of dermatomyositis, EM can be used to look for tuboreticular inclusions (TRIs) in endothelial cells. If light microscopic findings are diagnostic, EM is not necessary.
    • EM can be used to identify inclusions found by light microscopy.
    • EM can help to characterize stored material found on light microscopy and define its intracellular localization.
    • EM can be used to analyze structural abnormalities found by light microscopy.
    • EM can assist in the diagnosis of mitochondrial myopathy.
    • EM almost never is indicated for a muscle that is normal at the light level. If normal muscle is found with all of the light microscopic studies, then this is exactly what EM will show, only larger. The only common exception to this guideline is in the setting of a strong clinical suspicion for dermatomyositis with normal light microscopic studies. If TRIs are found, they can lend some support to this diagnosis.


Normal Skeletal Muscle

Basic structure and terminology

A layer of dense connective tissue, which is known as epimysium and is continuous with the tendon, surrounds each muscle (see Media file 5). A muscle is composed of numerous bundles of muscle fibers, termed fascicles, which are separated from each other by a connective tissue layer termed perimysium. Endomysium is the connective tissue that separates individual muscle fibers from each other. Mature muscle cells are termed muscle fibers or myofibers. Each myofiber is a multinucleate syncytium formed by fusion of immature muscle cells termed myoblasts.

Sarcoplasm, the cytoplasm of each myofiber, is occupied largely by the contractile apparatus of the cell. This is composed of myofibrils arranged in sarcomeres, which are the contractile units of the cell. The sarcomeres contain a number of proteins, including alpha actinin, which form a major portion of the Z band, and actin and myosin, which form the thin and thick filaments, respectively. The remainder of the sarcoplasm, located between the myofibrils, is termed the intermyofibrillar network and contains the mitochondria, lipid, glycogen, T-tubules, and sarcoplasmic reticulum. T tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum are responsible, respectively, for conduction of electrical signals from the cell surface and intracellular storage and release of calcium required for contraction to occur.

Myofiber types

The 2 basic myofiber types are type 1 and type 2. The designation of these types is based on their physiologic properties, which are correlated with their cellular structural specializations and are reflected in their histochemical properties (see Media file 6).

Type 1 myofibers are the slow fibers. Physiologists refer to them as slow-oxidative, or SO, fibers. They have a slow contraction time following electrical stimulation, and they generate less force than do type 2 myofibers. If the response of a muscle to the application of gradually increasing loads is measured, the slow fibers are recruited first. They are used for sustained, low-level activity. To accomplish this, they are equipped with numerous large mitochondria and abundant intracellular lipid for oxidative metabolism.

Type 2 myofibers are the fast fibers. Physiologists call these the fast-glycolytic, or FG, fibers. They have a rapid contraction time following stimulation. If the response of a muscle to the application of gradually increasing loads is measured, the fast fibers are recruited late. They are used for brief-duration activity in carrying heavy loads and are specialized for anaerobic metabolism. These fibers contain smaller, less numerous mitochondria, less lipid, and have higher glycogen stores than type 1 fibers. The subgroups of type 2 fibers are not discussed here.

Each muscle has a characteristic ratio of type 1 to type 2 myofibers. For example, in the vastus lateralis, the most commonly biopsied muscle, more than 50% of the fibers, as many as two thirds, are expected to be type 2 myofibers. In the deltoid muscle, another muscle commonly evaluated with biopsy, typically the balance favors type 1 myofibers. In normal muscle, the 2 myofiber types are interspersed in a random interdigitating pattern. The 2 myofiber types are normally similar in size.

Information about changes in the myofiber types in a muscle biopsy often provides significant clues in making the diagnosis. Different pathologic processes alter the ratio of the myofiber types and their distributions in the muscle and may selectively affect the size of 1 type or the other or of both equally.

Innervation of a particular muscle fiber determines whether it is type 1 or type 2. Therefore, if the type of motor neuron innervating a myofiber is changed, that myofiber acquires a new phenotype from its new innervation. Pathologists take advantage of this fact to evaluate for evidence of neurogenic disease of muscle. In a muscle in which denervation has been followed by reinnervation due to sprouting of residual viable motor neuron terminals, groups of myofibers of a single type are present instead of the random interdigitation normally found.


With frozen-section H-E, a cross-section of a frozen sample of normal skeletal muscle stained with H-E (see Media file 7) shows several fascicles surrounded by and separated from each other by a thin layer of perimysium. The muscle fibers are of relatively uniform size and shape, with nuclei located at the periphery of the cell. In normal muscle, less than 3% of fibers should have internal nuclei (located in the center of the fiber). The fibers fit together in a mosaic pattern. At high power (see Media file 8), the endomysium separating the myofibers can be observed as normally so thin and delicate it is almost invisible and the contiguous myofibers appear to have almost no space between them. The sarcoplasm is relatively uniform throughout the cell.

On the section stained with NADH (see Media file 9), which stains predominantly mitochondria in the intermyofibrillar network, the type 1 myofibers are darker than type 2 myofibers. In normal muscle, the stain is distributed fairly uniformly throughout the sarcoplasm. High power (see Media file 10) allows observation of the distribution of the stain in a punctate pattern, where it is localized mostly to the mitochondria in the intermyofibrillar network.

On the frozen-section fiber-typing stains in Media file 11, which are treated with the stain for myosin ATPase at pH 10.5 (actual pH varies among laboratories), type 2 myofibers are stained brown, and type 1 fibers are stained pink with an eosin counterstain to make them visible. This section demonstrates the normal, random, almost checkerboard distribution of the 2 types of myofibers. The same stain, performed at a pH of 4.3, demonstrates staining of the type 1 myofibers, so the slide would have exactly the reverse pattern of that seen on the image. An alternative to the technically difficult myosin ATPase stain is the immunohistochemical stain for myosin heavy chain. Media file 12 shows the stain for myosin heavy-chain slow, which stains the type 1 myofibers. In Media file 13, a section from the same patient is stained for myosin heavy-chain fast, which stains the type 2 myofibers.

With frozen-section PAS staining, PAS is distributed fairly uniformly across a normal myofiber (see Media file 14). It is located mostly in the intermyofibrillar network, which contains much of the intracellular glycogen content. Normally, the type 2 myofibers stain darker with this stain than type 1 fibers, because the type 2 fibers use glycolysis more than type 1 fibers.

With the modified frozen-section Gomori trichrome stain (see Media file 15), the myofibers and connective tissue stain slightly different shades of blue-green. Nuclei normally are red. The intermyofibrillar network exhibits punctate red staining, which normally is inconspicuous.

With the frozen-section lipid Sudan Black stain (see Media file 16), intracellular lipid appears brown-black and is distributed throughout the intermyofibrillar network. Type 1 myofibers stain darker than the others because of their increased reliance on oxidative metabolism. For this reason, type 1 fibers have a greater lipid content than the type 2 myofibers, which rely more on anaerobic than oxidative metabolism.

Paraffin section: The paraffin section is stained with H-E. In a low-power view of the paraffin section (see Media file 17), the fibers are seen in longitudinal section, forming an array of fibers lined up in parallel. At high power (see Media file 18) in normal myofibers, the striations, which are formed by the sarcomeres, are demonstrated readily. One of the earliest changes in myofiber necrosis is loss of the striations. On occasion, this subtle but important finding may be the only pathologic change in a sample.

EM: Normal muscle in longitudinal section (see Media file 19) reveals the remarkable ultrastructural architectural order of skeletal muscle. The myofibrils are the contractile machinery of the cell and are arranged in units, the sarcomeres. The boundary of each is a thin dark line, the Z disk or Z band. This is the anchor for the thin filaments, which are actin. The thin filaments are best seen in the pale zones of the sarcomere, known as the I band, adjacent to each Z disk. The broad darker central region of each sarcomere is the A band, formed mostly by the overlap of the thick myosin filaments and the thin filaments. In the center of each sarcomere is a thin dark band termed the M band, flanked by thin pale H zones, where the thick and thin filaments do not overlap.

Between the myofibrils, the sarcoplasm contains the intermyofibrillar network. Mitochondria are the moderately dense oval structures located adjacent to the I bands. At high power (see Media file 20), the intermyofibrillar network contains glycogen, which can be seen as dark granular material distributed diffusely through this area. The triads also are visible. Each triad is formed by a segment of the T tubule flanked on either side by the lateral sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The T tubule is continuous with the sarcolemma, which is the plasma membrane of the myofiber, from which it rapidly transmits the muscle cell action potential throughout the cell. Excitation transmitted from the T tubule to the sarcoplasmic reticulum is responsible for the intracellular release of calcium required for contraction that normally is sequestered from the myofibrils when the muscle cell is at rest.

Distinguishing type 1 and type 2 myofibers is possible on the basis of their ultrastructural appearances. Type 1 fibers (see Media file 21) contain abundant, fairly large, prominent mitochondria and abundant fat. The mitochondria are the ovoid structures, and the fat is contained in pale homogeneous round structures. Type 2 fibers (see Media file 22) contain smaller, less abundant, less prominent mitochondria. Glycogen is abundant, and lipid is more difficult to find in these myofibers than elsewhere. These ultrastructural specializations are correlated with the functional roles of the 2 fiber types.

Results of improper handling

Compare the appearances of improperly handled specimens with those of properly handled specimens.

The specimen shown in Media file 23 arrived at the laboratory stuck to dry ice. This improper handling caused uneven freezing of the specimen and freeze artifact, resulting in disruption of the sarcoplasmic features and a loss of information about the state of the myofibers.

Media file 24 is from a case in which the muscle specimen was immersed in cold fixative without prior immobilization by a clamp. This allowed the muscle to hypercontract, producing the appearance of contraction bands, a finding that can be associated with myofiber necrosis. However, in this situation, this finding is meaningless.

Media file 25 is an EM of a specimen of muscle in which the surgeon was instructed to mince the muscle sample before submitting it in glutaraldehyde. The photograph demonstrates the serious disruption of the normally orderly ultrastructural architecture of the myofiber caused by this procedure.

In all 3 of these situations, improper handling of the muscle specimen at the time of biopsy in the operating room could have made it impossible to make a diagnosis. Fortunately, in each of these examples, a diagnosis was possible.


Introduction to Skeletal Muscle Pathology

Interpretation of a muscle biopsy results can be a challenging task. The opinion of the muscle pathologist is often required in combination with the observation of a variety of histopathologic findings and a consideration of the clinical situation to arrive at a diagnostic formulation that makes sense for a given patient. This process can be difficult because few individual histologic findings are diagnostic of a specific disorder.

For example, a biopsy may exhibit myofibers that contain empty vacuoles on H-E. This type of vacuole can be observed in a variety of settings, including glycogen storage disease, colchicine toxic myopathy, critical care myopathy, periodic paralyses, and technical artifact. The pathologist uses a variety of strategies to decide which is the most likely cause of the vacuoles in a given case.

Many biopsy samples show numerous findings in varying degrees, each of which is consistent with an assortment of diagnoses. The pathologist must judge the clinical significance of each finding, decide if and how it fits with the other findings in the specimen, and determine what light to cast on the biopsy result to best fit the patient's presentation.

Neurogenic changes in muscle biopsy

The muscle can show neurogenic changes in disorders that affect motor neurons, including diseases of the anterior horn cell (eg, motor neuron disease), motor neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, and disorders that affect the intramuscular nerve twigs. One of the common requests accompanying muscle biopsies is to assist in determining whether the patient has neuropathy or myopathy. (See Clinical and Laboratory Features of Neuromuscular Disease for a discussion of this issue.)

Neurogenic disorders have the following characteristics on muscle biopsy:

  • Angulated atrophic fibers (see Media file 26)
  • Fiber-type grouping (see Media file 27): This finding occurs when denervation and reinnervation have taken place. Innervation of a myofiber determines its type. If a motor unit that was originally innervated by a type 1 nerve loses its innervation, a number of isolated angulated atrophic fibers are initially scattered about a small region of the muscle. If a neighboring intact type 2 motor neuron sprouts and reinnervates these myofibers, all of the muscle fibers in the region become type 2. The muscle loses the normal random checkerboard distribution of myofiber types.
  • Group atrophy (see Media file 28)
  • Target fibers (see Media file 29)
  • Nuclear clumps (see Media file 30)

When all of these findings are present and no other abnormalities are found in the specimen, the diagnosis of neurogenic atrophy and reinnervation is straightforward. Often, the biopsy shows a combination of neurogenic and myopathic findings (see Muscle biopsy in myopathy). These may represent myopathy that is secondary to the neuropathic process or a separate primary myopathic process. The pathologist can often surmise the correct interpretation on the basis of clinical findings, but the truth occasionally cannot be determined with certainty.

Many biopsy samples with inflammation also demonstrate evidence of neurogenic change. Myogenic denervation, in which the sick muscle fibers lose their innervation, can cause this change. The inflammatory process overruns and entraps the intramuscular nerve twigs in an innocent-bystander mechanism, or the nerves are concurrently inflamed.

 Muscle biopsy in myopathy

A broad spectrum of pathologic findings is present in myopathic disorders. Each individual finding is usually nonspecific and can be found in a variety of pathologic processes. A single finding can have many connotations and, in arriving at a diagnostic impression, the pathologist must always interpret the clinical significance of the individual findings. The constellation of pathologic findings in a given clinical setting leads to the diagnosis.

In contrast to the pathologic findings in neuropathy, several findings are characteristic of myopathic processes, including the following:

Numerous other ancillary findings can be found in myopathic muscle biopsy samples. Additional histologic abnormalities in the spectrum of myopathic findings include the following:

Some histologic findings mimic abnormalities but actually are normal features of skeletal muscle structure. For example, near the myotendinous junction, the muscle fibers appear fragmented, exhibit increased variability of fiber size, and have an increase in number of internal nuclei (see Media file 48). The pathologist must be vigilant not to misjudge these findings.


Pathology of Myopathies by Diagnostic Categories

Myositis, muscular dystrophies, glycogen storage diseases, mitochondrial myopathies, and congenital myopathies are 5 important groups of disorders that can be diagnosed by muscle biopsy.



The term myositis refers to inflammatory disease of muscle. In practice, this term most commonly is applied to the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies that are the main focus of this section; however, a comprehensive classification of myositis includes a variety of disorders (see Media file 49).

The most common reason for performing a muscle biopsy is to evaluate for the diagnostic consideration of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies are polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and IBM.

The usual clinical presentation of patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis is a subacute course of progressive weakness affecting proximal muscle groups, occasionally with myalgia, an elevated CK level, and myopathic and irritative findings on EMG. Many patients have serum autoantibodies, some of which are associated with specific clinical syndromes. Patients with dermatomyositis usually have characteristic rashes. Dermatomyositis in adults fairly often is a paraneoplastic syndrome.


The following are pathologic features of polymyositis:

  • Chronic inflammation (see Media files 45-46): The inflammatory infiltrates in polymyositis are predominantly endomysial, and they are enriched with T-suppressor/cytotoxic (CD8) lymphocytes. The finding of endomysial lymphoid inflammation is one of the major diagnostic criteria for polymyositis, but some patients are believed to have polymyositis when inflammation is not found on muscle biopsy.
  • Myofiber necrosis (see Media file 47): This can be segmental, affecting only part of a myofiber.
  • Myophagocytosis (see Media file 32): This is the removal of the dead cellular elements by macrophages.
  • Invasion of nonnecrotic myofibers by autoaggressive lymphocytes (see Media file 50): This is a key diagnostic finding in which T cells attack intact myofibers. This is believed to be the pathologic correlate of the main factor in the etiopathogenesis of polymyositis. This represents the fundamental distinction between inflammation that can occur as a secondary phenomenon and inflammation that is the primary pathologic process. In the former case (eg, muscular dystrophy), inflammation is usually found associated with fibers that are already degenerating. In polymyositis, inflammation can be found associated with healthy, intact fibers.
  • Internal nuclei (see Media file 36): These are a nonspecific myopathic finding.
  • Myofiber atrophy: Atrophic fibers generally are of both myofiber types and rounded in contour. In some patients with polymyositis, the atrophy affects primarily type 2 myofibers. Type 2 myofiber atrophy can develop from administration of steroids.
  • Regeneration (see Media file 33)
  • Fibrosis: This is a feature of chronic polymyositis.

The distribution of the pathology in polymyositis can be patchy, so obtaining normal biopsy findings are possible in a patient who has this disorder and do not exclude the diagnosis.

A subgroup of patients who are believed to have polymyositis have an abnormal muscle biopsy that does not show inflammation. These patients present with a fairly rapidly evolving myopathy with severe weakness. They tend to have exceedingly high CK levels, often greater than 20,000 IU/L. Some of these patients have autoantibodies in their serologic studies, often anti–signal recognition particle (anti-SRP). The presence of these autoantibodies is the strongest evidence that this disorder is an immune-mediated disease. In this group of patients, the disease is resistant to therapy. Muscle biopsy shows the presence of scattered necrotic fibers, myophagocytosis, and other nonspecific myopathic findings, but inflammatory infiltration is absent.


Pathologic findings in dermatomyositis occasionally can bear a superficial resemblance to polymyositis, but some important distinguishing features are present. In many patients, the pathology of dermatomyositis is strikingly unique.

The following are pathologic features of dermatomyositis:

  • Chronic inflammation (see Media file 51): The infiltrates most often are concentrated in a perimysial perivascular distribution. More B-lymphocytes and T-helper (CD4) lymphocytes are present than in polymyositis. In the clinical laboratory, typing the lymphocytes is not customary.
  • Myofiber necrosis
  • Perifascicular atrophy (see Media file 52): This atrophy affects the fibers at the periphery of the fascicle and is believed to be a product of muscle ischemia at the capillary level. It is found somewhat more often in juvenile dermatomyositis, but can be observed in the adult variant of this disorder and is found infrequently in other disease processes.
  • Complement deposition in microvessel walls (see Media file 53): The deposition of the membrane attack complex of complement (C5b-9) is found in the walls of the microvessels early in the disease process, even before other pathologic findings are present. This immune attack on vessel walls, with an immunologic cascade involving humoral immunity, may be the pathogenetic mechanism of dermatomyositis, according to the research of Andrew Engel and his colleagues. Treatment eliminates this finding.
  • TRIs in endothelial cells (see Media file 54): This finding is seen only at the ultrastructural level and no longer is present after treatment.

Inclusion-body myositis

IBM is the most common myositis in patients older than 50 years. In contrast to polymyositis and dermatomyositis, which affect more women than men, IBM most often affects men. The clinical course of IBM may be more indolent than the other 2 forms of myositis, and distal muscles are involved most often in IBM. IBM is the inflammatory counterpart of a group of disorders labeled inclusion body myopathy, which includes a variety of inherited myopathies, some with characteristic distinctive clinical presentations (eg, quadriceps-sparing myopathy). These myopathies share many of the pathologic findings of IBM.

The following are pathologic features of IBM:

  • Chronic inflammation: The inflammatory process is similar to that of polymyositis.
  • Invasion of nonnecrotic myofibers by autoaggressive lymphocytes (see Media file 55)
  • Hypertrophy (see Media file 56): Hypertrophy in a myositis should prompt a consideration of the possibility of IBM.
  • Atrophy: On occasion, the atrophic fibers in IBM share features with those of neurogenic atrophy.
  • Rimmed vacuoles (see Media file 57): These appear on H-E as ovoid sarcoplasmic vacuoles lined by blue granular material. On trichrome stains, the granular material is red.
  • Eosinophilic inclusions (see Media file 58-59): These inclusions are dense and red on H-E, they may be cytoplasmic or nuclear, and they may be found in rimmed vacuoles. They stain positive with stains for beta-amyloid precursor protein, ubiquitin, and other proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease.
  • Tubulofilamentous inclusions (see Media file 60): These are the ultrastructural counterparts to the eosinophilic inclusions observed by light microscopy.
  • Myofiber degeneration, myophagocytosis, internal nuclei, fibrosis (see Media files 56-57)

An occasional eosinophil often can be seen in necrotizing and inflammatory myopathies. When many eosinophils are present, begin to search for a specific etiology of the myopathy, such as trichinosis (see Media file 61) or drug reaction (see Media file 62).

Muscular dystrophies

Muscular dystrophy is a hereditary disease characterized by progressive degeneration of muscle. Many such diseases exist. The old classification scheme comprised Duchenne, Becker, various other eponymous dystrophies, and a group of dystrophies named for the distribution of affected muscle groups or by their mode of inheritance. As researchers determine the etiology of many of these disorders, a more pathogenetic nomenclature is evolving. Duchenne and Becker dystrophies now are classified as dystrophinopathies because they are caused by mutations in the gene for the protein dystrophin. Similarly, abnormalities of other structural proteins of skeletal muscle are being discovered, so that now, instead of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, disorders due to abnormalities of membrane proteins, such as sarcoglycans, dystroglycans, dysferlin and others, are recognized. Abnormalities of proteins of the external basal lamina and cytoskeletal proteins are also responsible for some forms of muscular dystrophy.

As steady progress is made in determining the genetic basis of many muscular dystrophies, muscle biopsy will become less important as a diagnostic tool for these disorders. Muscle biopsy is still required for most muscular dystrophies, except for approximately two thirds of patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies in which the diagnosis can be made by genetic testing of blood samples and a few additional rare forms of muscular dystrophy.

Most of the pathologic findings in the routine histologic sections of skeletal muscle in the muscular dystrophies are nonspecific myopathic findings (see Media files 31-39). Occasional features are characteristic of certain dystrophies, such as hypercontracted fibers in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) (see Duchenne muscular dystrophy) or nuclear clumps in some patients with limb-girdle dystrophy. The skeletal muscles of some patients with oculopharyngeal dystrophy (see Media file 44) contain rimmed vacuoles and eosinophilic inclusions.

The specific diagnosis of muscular dystrophies can be confirmed in many patients with special immunohistochemical stains for specific proteins that are abnormal or deficient in these disorders. Many of these disorders are uncommon, so it is necessary to send the muscle biopsy to a laboratory that is prepared to perform these studies if they are indicated. If the immunohistochemistry results point to a certain disorder, the muscle specimen must then be sent to a laboratory that can perform biochemical analysis of the protein for confirmation of the immunohistochemistry and definitive diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry is not useful as a diagnostic tool for some of the uncommon muscular dystrophies, for reasons that are beyond the scope of this article.

When the clinical suspicion of the presence of a muscular dystrophy is strong, make arrangements to obtain a specimen of muscle appropriate for biochemical analysis. Please see Optional additional fresh specimen for details on how to proceed.

Examples of muscle biopsies from patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophies, the dystrophinopathies, or congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) are used to illustrate the pathology of muscular dystrophies.

 Duchenne muscular dystrophy

DMD is the most common and most severe of all muscular dystrophies, occurring with a frequency of 1 case in 3500 live male births. It is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome in the gene for the structural protein dystrophin, resulting in an absence of the protein. The gene for dystrophin is large, with 2 million base pairs. Because of the size of this gene, mutations are common, and one third of patients with DMD do not have a family history of the disease. The children are generally healthy until approximately age 3 years, when they develop problems with gait, and from then on experience an inexorably progressive course. Without treatment, all patients are wheelchair bound by 12 years, and most die in the second decade. With steroid therapy, many patients remain ambulatory until the age 15 or 16 years, and survival is prolonged well into the third decade.

Muscle biopsy sections from young patients with DMD illustrate the characteristic pathologic findings:

  • Fibrosis (see Media file 63)
  • Increased variability of fiber size caused by the presence of both atrophy and hypertrophy (see Media file 63) with fiber splitting (see Media file 64)
  • Myofiber necrosis (see Media file 65)
  • Increased internal nuclei
  • Opaque fibers (see Media file 66): These are characteristic of DMD, though they can be found in other disorders. Opaque fibers are enlarged, densely eosinophilic fibers that are hypercontracted. Their presence in DMD led investigators to postulate that membrane defects may be present in DMD, which were later demonstrated. In DMD, the lack of dystrophin leads to membrane instability, which is responsible for the cascade of cellular events that causes cycles of necrosis, regeneration, and progressive fibrosis of the muscle.

Special immunohistochemical studies for N -terminal, mid-rod, and C -terminal moieties of the dystrophin molecule can be performed. In control skeletal muscle, these studies reveal linear staining of the periphery of the myofibers, consistent with the periodic subsarcolemmal localization of dystrophin (see Media file 67). In a patient with DMD (see Media file 68), all 3 antibodies demonstrate absence of staining in all but an occasional fiber. The rare fibers that stain with antidystrophin antibody actually can produce dystrophin because of a second mutation in the dystrophin gene that restores the reading frame and allows for production of this protein. The observation that occasional fibers in patients with DMD can produce dystrophin serves as the basis for the current efforts to develop novel therapeutic interventions for this disorder.

Becker muscular dystrophy

Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), a disease similar to DMD but with a later onset and a course characterized by a slower progression, is also caused by mutations of the dystrophin gene. In BMD, the mutations lead to production of abnormal dystrophin, occasionally in decreased quantities in comparison with normal skeletal muscle and in contrast to the absence of dystrophin of DMD.

The course of BMD is more variable than that of DMD, which is fairly stereotypical. In BMD, the severity of the disease is correlated with the portion of the dystrophin molecule affected. The C -terminal end of dystrophin is linked to a beta-dystroglycan of the transmembrane glycoprotein complex that in turn is linked to the external basal lamina of the myofiber. If this region of the dystrophin molecule is absent, the patient experiences a severe course. In general, if the patient has a mutation affecting the mid-rod domain or a mutation affecting the N -terminal end of the dystrophin molecule, which is linked to cytoskeletal actin, the course is more indolent.

The muscle biopsy illustrating BMD in this article, below, is from a 22-year-old man with a history of gradually progressive weakness that began in early childhood. At the age of 22 years, he remained ambulatory but could no longer run. Biopsy demonstrated the following:

  • Myofiber necrosis (see Media file 69): Mild, focal, chronic inflammation is associated with some necrotic fibers in this biopsy. Inflammation occasionally leads to a mistaken consideration of an inflammatory myopathy. In the patient above, his clinical history strongly suggested dystrophy instead of inflammatory myopathy, which should prompt a pathologist to avoid hastily forming an erroneous conclusion. With dystrophy, the inflammation is often restricted to an association with necrotic fibers, whereas in myositis, it can be found elsewhere in the muscle; this key finding can sometimes help to distinguish the inflammation in a dystrophy from that of myositis. This assessment can be difficult, and exceptions to this guideline exist. In some cases, the clinical history, rather than the histology alone, prompts the additional search for a dystrophy.
  • Increased variability of fiber size with atrophy and hypertrophy (see Media file 70) and fiber splitting (see Media file 71)
  • Myofiber regeneration (not shown)
  • Increase in internal nuclei (see Media file 70-71): In this patient, the increase in the percentage of fibers with internal nuclei is slight.

The findings in this representative biopsy can be observed in most muscular dystrophies. The immunohistochemical findings lend specificity to the histologic diagnosis. In this situation, staining for C -terminal and mid-rod portions of the dystrophin molecule is normal (see Media file 72), but the muscle shows no staining with the antibody for the N -terminal region (see Media file 73). This is highly consistent with the diagnosis of BMD, but confirming this diagnosis by sending a skeletal muscle specimen to a laboratory for Western blot analysis is appropriate.

In the situation illustrated here, muscle biopsy was not performed at a facility that could appropriately handle it for such an analysis. However, such strong correlation was present between the patient's clinical course, the findings on routine muscle biopsy, and the immunohistochemical findings that the correct diagnosis was not in doubt.

Extensive research has led to a detailed model of the structure of the myofiber membrane and has revealed many of the components of the transmembrane glycoprotein complex. It contains several proteins known as sarcoglycans and others termed dystroglycans. Mutations of each of these proteins, as well as others not mentioned here, now are known to be responsible for many forms of muscular dystrophy.

Congenital muscular dystrophy

CMD is clinically evident from the neonatal period. Multiple disorders probably fall within this category. In one third of patients, CMD is caused by an abnormality of laminin alpha-2, also known as merosin, which is a component of the basal lamina of skeletal muscle.

Muscle biopsy was performed in a 4-month-old floppy boy who was a full-term infant with low Apgar scores. He had mild joint contractures and weakness of upper extremities greater than that of lower extremities. Electrodiagnostic studies showed early myopathic units and borderline nerve conduction velocities. CT scans and MRIs of the brain were normal.

Biopsy (see Media file 74-76) showed a range of fiber sizes, instead of the normal uniform size of myofibers. No necrosis was present, but occasional fibers with minor abnormalities on trichrome and NADH stains were slightly suggestive of a mitochondrial disorder. Immunohistochemical findings for dystrophin were normal (see Media file 74), but no staining occurred with an antibody to laminin alpha-2 (see Media file 75). A control stain with a normal muscle sample (see Media file 76) demonstrated the normal pattern of staining for laminin alpha-2. Therefore, the most likely diagnosis was CMD caused by deficiency of laminin alpha-2 (or merosin).

A major clinical differential diagnostic consideration in this patient was Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, which is infantile spinal muscular atrophy, a motor neuron disease. At present, the best way to diagnose infantile spinal muscular atrophy is by genetic testing performed with a sample of blood. If the blood test is unrevealing, muscle biopsy can be performed.

In Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, as in CMD, muscle biopsy demonstrates a range of myofiber sizes. In Werdnig-Hoffmann disease unlike CMD, the largest fibers (see Media file 77) tend to cluster. In biopsy samples from patients with Werdnig-Hoffmann, the largest and smallest fibers are type 1 myofibers (see Media file 78); this finding does not occur in CMD. An important caveat is that these changes in myofiber distribution are generally not present until the infant is several months old. Therefore, when possible, defer biopsy as long as possible, or prepare the family for the possibility of repeat biopsy if findings on the first are not specifically diagnostic.

Glycogen storage disease

Glycogenoses are inherited inborn errors of glycogen metabolism. Nine of them affect skeletal muscle. The two most commonly encountered by muscle pathologists are type II glycogenosis (acid maltase or alpha glucosidase deficiency) and type V glycogenosis (myophosphorylase deficiency).

Type II glycogenosis

Type II glycogenosis, which is due to deficiency of acid maltase (acid alpha-glucosidase), has the following 3 basic clinical variants:

  • A severe, fatal, infantile form, also known as Pompe disease, affects multiple organs, including heart, liver, kidneys, leukocytes, central nervous system, and skeletal muscle. Glycogen storage is demonstrated in most tissues in this disorder.
  • A juvenile variant presents with weakness affecting muscles of proximal limbs.
  • In adult-onset acid maltase deficiency, weakness and fatigue occur with progressive respiratory failure. The age of onset and severity of the clinical presentation are generally correlated with the severity of the enzymatic deficiency.

The following are muscle biopsy findings in acid maltase deficiency:

  • Clear vacuoles on H-E sections, usually distributed throughout the muscle cell (see Media file 79)
  • PAS-positive staining of these vacuoles, with disappearance of staining following digestion with diastase
  • Intralysosomal storage of glycogen on EM (see Media file 80)

Confirming the diagnosis by biochemical assay of the activity of acid maltase from a special sample of skeletal muscle that has been obtained appropriately for this purpose is best; this is the optional additional fresh specimen described in the technical section. The assay can also be performed on fibroblasts or urine. It is also possible to identify the specific mutations responsible for the producing the disease in an individual.

Type V glycogenosis

In Type V glycogenosis, also known as McArdle disease, due to deficiency of myophosphorylase, the abnormality is restricted to skeletal muscle. The classic presentation is the development of muscle cramps with exercise and episodes of exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis. Venous lactate levels fail to rise during an ischemic exercise test.

The following are muscle biopsy findings in patients with myophosphorylase deficiency:

  • Clear vacuoles on H-E section, especially in the subsarcolemmal location (see Media file 81)
  • PAS-positive staining of these vacuoles (see Media file 82), with disappearance following digestion with diastase (see Media file 83)
  • Storage of excessive amounts of free glycogen within myofibers on EM (see Media file 84)
  • Evidence of absence of myophosphorylase activity (see Media file 85) on special histochemical staining, with normal activity in a simultaneous control specimen (see Media file 86)


Mitochondrial myopathies

Mitochondrial myopathies are disorders with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. Numerous well-recognized clinical disorders are among this group of diseases (eg, Kearns-Sayre syndrome, myoclonus epilepsy with ragged red fibers (RRFs), mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes, Leber hereditary optic neuropathy). Many of these disorders present with a combination of central nervous system disease and myopathy and are referred to as encephalomyopathies. The common etiology underlying these disorders is the presence of a mutation that affects mitochondrial function. In some of these disorders, the mutations are in the mitochondrial genome; in others, they are in the nuclear genes that encode mitochondrial proteins.

Many of these fairly diverse disorders share a common finding on muscle biopsy, the RRF. Genetic elucidation of these disorders has revealed that the RRF is not found in all of these disorders. Nonetheless, it is helpful when present on muscle biopsy.

The following are characteristic pathologic findings in skeletal muscle in the mitochondrial myopathies:

  • On trichrome stain, RRFs have a peripheral rim of red material caused by the subsarcolemmal aggregation of mitochondria (see Media file 87).
  • Dense peripheral staining for the activity of SDH, which is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, can be seen in RRFs (see Media file 88).
  • The presence of many fibers negative for the activity of COX, which is complex IV of the respiratory chain enzymes, is a characteristic finding (see Media file 88).
  • Combined SDH/COX staining demonstrates that the RRFs are the COX-negative fibers (see Media file 89).
  • EM shows both an increase in mitochondria and morphologically abnormal mitochondria (see Media files 90-92).

Identifying the specific biochemical and genetic abnormalities is possible in many patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathies if an extra muscle specimen has been properly handled for this purpose.

Congenital myopathies and tubular aggregate myopathy

Congenital myopathies form a diverse group of disorders with the common feature of distinctive pathologic findings. Each congenital myopathy is named for these findings, as in the following:

  • In central core disease, the central region of many myofibers has abnormal structure.
  • In nemaline myopathy, the fibers contain aggregates of rodlike material seen on trichrome stain.
  • In centronuclear (or myotubular) myopathy, the main pathologic finding is fibers with centrally located nuclei and fibers that appear immature.

Each congenital myopathy may be a group of disorders with a common morphology. Some have multiple characteristic clinical presentations, rates of progression, and modes of inheritance. Currently, the genetic and molecular bases of the defects are being identified, providing further evidence that they are heterogeneous disorders.

Nemaline myopathy

Nemaline myopathy is a disease with both autosomal dominant and recessive modes of inheritance. A severe infantile form exists, and milder forms present later in life. Evidence exists in some patients for abnormalities of the alpha tropomyosin gene, alpha actin gene, and nebulin gene. A form of nemaline myopathy is associated with HIV infection.

The biopsy shown here, from an 8-year-old boy who always had difficulty keeping up with his peers on the playground, demonstrates the characteristic findings of nemaline myopathy:

  • H-E stain (see Media file 93) reveals a biopsy that appears normal except for a slight increase in internal nuclei.
  • Trichrome stain (see Media file 94) shows the presence of inclusions in many fibers; on high power (see Media file 95), these have a rodlike structure.
  • Myosin ATPase (see Media file 96) shows a predominance of type 1 myofibers.
  • EM (see Media file 97) shows that the rods are dense fibrillar structures that extend from the Z bands.

Central core disease

Central core disease is another disorder that is actually a group of disorders. Many patients with central core disease are susceptible to malignant hyperthermia when certain anesthetics are administered. Some patients with central core disease possess mutations in a gene for the ryanodine receptor, which is a calcium channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

In central core disease, an H-E section (see Media file 98) shows many myofibers with faint central abnormalities. Myosin ATPase (see Media file 99) demonstrates that many of the type 1 myofibers have central round areas that do not stain. These are the central cores. They also show absence of staining with the NADH stain, not illustrated here.

Tubular aggregate myopathy

Tubular aggregate myopathy is a rare disorder that is not usually classified as a congenital myopathy, but it has such a distinctive histopathologic picture that it is presented in this section. In a rare familial syndrome, affected patients have fluctuating weakness. Tubular aggregates also are found in association with muscle cramps, diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism.

In tubular aggregate myopathy, inclusions are quite prominent, as demonstrated in the following:

  • H-E (see Media file 43): Many fibers have large, pale intracytoplasmic inclusions.
  • PAS (see Media file 100): These inclusions are PAS positive.
  • Fiber-typing stain (see Media file 101), in this case myosin ATPase: In this myopathy, inclusions usually are found only in type 2 myofibers, as illustrated here. This is highly unusual. In most disorders with inclusions that are fiber-type specific, the inclusions usually are found in type 1 myofibers.
  • NADH (see Media file 102): Inclusions are dark with this stain.
  • SDH (see Media file 103): Tubular aggregate myopathy is the rare disorder in which inclusions are positive with the NADH stain but are negative for SDH. They are negative for the latter stain because the tubular aggregates are composed of sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. SDH is found exclusively in mitochondria.
  • EM of tubular aggregates in cross section (see Media file 104): Their tubular structure is appreciated easily in this view.
  • EM of tubular aggregates in slightly tangential longitudinal section (see Media file 105): This image demonstrates continuity of the tubules with the lateral sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.



Muscle biopsy is a diagnostic tool of great potential in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disease. When performed properly, it can yield information of great benefit to the patient and clinician and serve as a basis for providing treatment, genetic counseling, and prognostic information.

This article serves as a primer on the technical aspects of muscle biopsy, which are critical for the success of this procedure. Clinical features of neuromuscular disease are highlighted because the history is crucial for the correct interpretation of the histologic findings in a sample of skeletal muscle.

The presentation of the structure and histology of normal muscle serves as a basis for comparison with the pathologic alterations observed in muscle. Finally, the general introduction to pathology of selected categories of disease of skeletal muscle is intended to provide a basis for understanding the pathophysiology of some of these disorders and to assist the reader in visualizing the effect of disease and to demonstrate the formulation of histopathologic diagnoses.




Click to see larger picture Media file 1: Hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section of a muscle biopsy sample reveals end-stage muscle. Fibrovascular and adipose tissue have entirely replaced the muscle, which can therefore impart no information about the patient's underlying pathologic process.
Hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section ...

Hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section of a muscle biopsy sample reveals end-stage muscle. Fibrovascular and adipose tissue have entirely replaced the muscle, which can therefore impart no information about the patient's underlying pathologic process.

Click to see larger picture Media file 2: Hematoxylin-eosin–stained from the same patient as in Image 1. Structure in the center of the image, consisting of a cluster of small muscle fibers surrounded by a capsule, is a muscle spindle; this finding confirms that the specimen is indeed skeletal muscle.
Hematoxylin-eosin–stained from the same pat...

Hematoxylin-eosin–stained from the same patient as in Image 1. Structure in the center of the image, consisting of a cluster of small muscle fibers surrounded by a capsule, is a muscle spindle; this finding confirms that the specimen is indeed skeletal muscle.

Click to see larger picture Media file 3: Fresh specimen is mounted on cork by using gum tragacanth. It is poised above a vial of isopentane, which is chilled with liquid nitrogen coolant. The specimen is frozen by immersing it into the isopentane. In this photograph, the fibers are oriented longitudinally in the vertical plane. Tissue is sectioned by using a cryostat for cross-sections.
Fresh specimen is mounted on cork by using gum tr...

Fresh specimen is mounted on cork by using gum tragacanth. It is poised above a vial of isopentane, which is chilled with liquid nitrogen coolant. The specimen is frozen by immersing it into the isopentane. In this photograph, the fibers are oriented longitudinally in the vertical plane. Tissue is sectioned by using a cryostat for cross-sections.

Click to see larger picture Media file 4: Specimen of skeletal muscle on a 10-mm Rayport clamp is fixed in paraformaldehyde. On this image, the longitudinal axis of the fibers is oriented in the horizontal plane. This specimen appears to have a slight twist, which is not typical.
Specimen of skeletal muscle on a 10-mm Rayport cl...

Specimen of skeletal muscle on a 10-mm Rayport clamp is fixed in paraformaldehyde. On this image, the longitudinal axis of the fibers is oriented in the horizontal plane. This specimen appears to have a slight twist, which is not typical.

Click to see larger picture Media file 5: Basic constituents of skeletal muscle.
Basic constituents of skeletal muscle.

Basic constituents of skeletal muscle.

Click to see larger picture Media file 6: Comparison of the histologic features of type 1 and type 2 myofibers. SO represents slow oxidative, and FG represents fast glycolytic, which are physiologic characteristics of type 1 and type 2 fibers, respectively.
Comparison of the histologic features of type 1 a...

Comparison of the histologic features of type 1 and type 2 myofibers. SO represents slow oxidative, and FG represents fast glycolytic, which are physiologic characteristics of type 1 and type 2 fibers, respectively.

Click to see larger picture Media file 7: Hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen cross-section of skeletal muscle shows that the sample is composed of several fascicles of muscle. Each fascicle is surrounded by thin, delicate perimysium. The myofibers are of relatively uniform size and shape and fit together in a mosaic pattern. The fibers, which appear to be in almost direct contact with one another, are separated by thin, almost invisible endomysium. When fibrosis is present, the muscle fibers appear separated. The myofiber nuclei are normally at the periphery of the cells, and the cytoplasm is fairly uniformly distributed.
Hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen cross-sect...

Hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen cross-section of skeletal muscle shows that the sample is composed of several fascicles of muscle. Each fascicle is surrounded by thin, delicate perimysium. The myofibers are of relatively uniform size and shape and fit together in a mosaic pattern. The fibers, which appear to be in almost direct contact with one another, are separated by thin, almost invisible endomysium. When fibrosis is present, the muscle fibers appear separated. The myofiber nuclei are normally at the periphery of the cells, and the cytoplasm is fairly uniformly distributed.

Click to see larger picture Media file 8: Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin-eosin–stained cross-section of a frozen section of muscle reveals the thin, delicate, endomysial connective tissue, the normal appearance of the sarcoplasm, and the peripherally placed nuclei. On this photo, normally indistinct capillaries are found at the intersections of 3 fibers.
Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin-eosin–...

Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin-eosin–stained cross-section of a frozen section of muscle reveals the thin, delicate, endomysial connective tissue, the normal appearance of the sarcoplasm, and the peripherally placed nuclei. On this photo, normally indistinct capillaries are found at the intersections of 3 fibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 9: Normal muscle. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain demonstrates 2 populations of myofibers. Type 1 myofibers stain more darkly than type 2 myofibers because of the greater use of aerobic metabolism by type 1 fibers. In normal muscle at low power, the sarcoplasm stains fairly uniformly across the cell.
Normal muscle. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ...

Normal muscle. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain demonstrates 2 populations of myofibers. Type 1 myofibers stain more darkly than type 2 myofibers because of the greater use of aerobic metabolism by type 1 fibers. In normal muscle at low power, the sarcoplasm stains fairly uniformly across the cell.

Click to see larger picture Media file 10: Normal muscle. High-power view of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain in normal muscle reveals the punctate distribution of the stain throughout the cell because of its predominant colocalization with mitochondria in the intermyofibrillar network. Dark fibers are type 1 myofibers.
Normal muscle. High-power view of the nicotinamid...

Normal muscle. High-power view of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain in normal muscle reveals the punctate distribution of the stain throughout the cell because of its predominant colocalization with mitochondria in the intermyofibrillar network. Dark fibers are type 1 myofibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 11: Normal muscle. Myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at pH 10.5 stains type 2 myofibers brown. Type 1 fibers are stained with an eosin counterstain so that they are visible. Normal muscle contains a random checkerboard-like interdigitation of the 2 myofiber types. The 2 types of myofiber are similar in size. In the field shown, more type 1 myofibers than type 2 are present. This is a characteristic feature of the deltoid muscle.
Normal muscle. Myosin adenosine triphosphatase (A...

Normal muscle. Myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at pH 10.5 stains type 2 myofibers brown. Type 1 fibers are stained with an eosin counterstain so that they are visible. Normal muscle contains a random checkerboard-like interdigitation of the 2 myofiber types. The 2 types of myofiber are similar in size. In the field shown, more type 1 myofibers than type 2 are present. This is a characteristic feature of the deltoid muscle.

Click to see larger picture Media file 12: Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical fiber-typing stain for myosin heavy chain, slow type, in which type 1 myofibers are brown. If a laboratory is equipped to perform immunohistochemical studies, this is a technically easier stain to perform than myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) stains. Another advantage of the immunohistochemical stain is its relative permanence, whereas myosin ATPase stains fade over time.
Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical fiber-typing s...

Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical fiber-typing stain for myosin heavy chain, slow type, in which type 1 myofibers are brown. If a laboratory is equipped to perform immunohistochemical studies, this is a technically easier stain to perform than myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) stains. Another advantage of the immunohistochemical stain is its relative permanence, whereas myosin ATPase stains fade over time.

Click to see larger picture Media file 13: Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical stain for myosin heavy chain, fast type, in the same healthy patient as shown in Image 12. In this image, type 2 myofibers are brown. Comparison of the two images reveals that this muscle has more type 2 myofibers than type 1 fibers and that the type 2 myofibers are slightly larger.
Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical stain for myos...

Normal muscle. Immunohistochemical stain for myosin heavy chain, fast type, in the same healthy patient as shown in Image 12. In this image, type 2 myofibers are brown. Comparison of the two images reveals that this muscle has more type 2 myofibers than type 1 fibers and that the type 2 myofibers are slightly larger.

Click to see larger picture Media file 14: Normal muscle. High-power view of the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain shows the normal color and pattern of this stain, which stains sugar moieties so that glycogen, mucopolysaccharides, and glycoproteins are highlighted. This method is most useful for evaluating glycogen-storage disease. It also shows the basal lamina of blood vessels so that the PAS stain also provides information about vascular structure. It can highlight fibers that are degenerating or necrotic and demonstrate some inclusions.
Normal muscle. High-power view of the periodic ac...

Normal muscle. High-power view of the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain shows the normal color and pattern of this stain, which stains sugar moieties so that glycogen, mucopolysaccharides, and glycoproteins are highlighted. This method is most useful for evaluating glycogen-storage disease. It also shows the basal lamina of blood vessels so that the PAS stain also provides information about vascular structure. It can highlight fibers that are degenerating or necrotic and demonstrate some inclusions.

Click to see larger picture Media file 15: Normal muscle. The modified Gomori trichrome stain is valuable in evaluating mitochondrial myopathies, inclusion-body myositis, and some other disorders with intracellular inclusions. The nuclei and mitochondria stain red, the cytoplasm is mostly blue-green, and the connective tissue is green.
Normal muscle. The modified Gomori trichrome stai...

Normal muscle. The modified Gomori trichrome stain is valuable in evaluating mitochondrial myopathies, inclusion-body myositis, and some other disorders with intracellular inclusions. The nuclei and mitochondria stain red, the cytoplasm is mostly blue-green, and the connective tissue is green.

Click to see larger picture Media file 16: Normal muscle. Sudan Black stain for lipid demonstrates slightly more staining of type 1 myofibers because of their increased dependence on aerobic metabolism compared with type 2 myofibers. Hereditary and acquired disorders of lipid metabolism show excessive staining of fibers. Some of the mitochondrial myopathies are associated with increased intracellular lipid content.
Normal muscle. Sudan Black stain for lipid demons...

Normal muscle. Sudan Black stain for lipid demonstrates slightly more staining of type 1 myofibers because of their increased dependence on aerobic metabolism compared with type 2 myofibers. Hereditary and acquired disorders of lipid metabolism show excessive staining of fibers. Some of the mitochondrial myopathies are associated with increased intracellular lipid content.

Click to see larger picture Media file 17: Normal muscle. Hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section shows the fibers aligned linearly in longitudinal section. Most of the nuclei are myofiber nuclei, but some are also capillary endothelial nuclei. Paraffin section provides more cytologic detail than frozen material, so it improves identification of cells involved in inflammatory disorders. Detailed structure of vascular walls can be seen in paraffin sections. This section is usually larger than frozen section and therefore offers more material for examination.
Normal muscle. Hematoxylin-eosin–stained pa...

Normal muscle. Hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section shows the fibers aligned linearly in longitudinal section. Most of the nuclei are myofiber nuclei, but some are also capillary endothelial nuclei. Paraffin section provides more cytologic detail than frozen material, so it improves identification of cells involved in inflammatory disorders. Detailed structure of vascular walls can be seen in paraffin sections. This section is usually larger than frozen section and therefore offers more material for examination.

Click to see larger picture Media file 18: Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin and eosin–stained paraffin section shows 3 contiguous fibers in longitudinal section. Striations formed by the sarcomeres are seen easily. One of the earliest signs of myofiber necrosis is the loss of these striations.
Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin and eosin&#...

Normal muscle. High-power hematoxylin and eosin–stained paraffin section shows 3 contiguous fibers in longitudinal section. Striations formed by the sarcomeres are seen easily. One of the earliest signs of myofiber necrosis is the loss of these striations.

Click to see larger picture Media file 19: Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of skeletal muscle in longitudinal section shows the pleasing ultrastructural organization of internal cytoplasmic contents of the cell. Sarcomeres are seen as units bounded by thin, dark lines (Z bands). Broad, light zones are I bands, which are formed by predominantly thin actin filaments. Broad, dark areas are A bands formed by the overlap of thick myosin and thin filaments. Thin, pale lines are in the central region of sarcomeres, where only thick filaments are present. Between myofibrils in the intermyofibrillar network, the cell contains glycogen, lipid, mitochondria, and triads. Mitochondria are dark, ovoid structures found mostly next to the I bands. Triads, located at A-I junctions, are seen better on Image 20 than here.
Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of skelet...

Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of skeletal muscle in longitudinal section shows the pleasing ultrastructural organization of internal cytoplasmic contents of the cell. Sarcomeres are seen as units bounded by thin, dark lines (Z bands). Broad, light zones are I bands, which are formed by predominantly thin actin filaments. Broad, dark areas are A bands formed by the overlap of thick myosin and thin filaments. Thin, pale lines are in the central region of sarcomeres, where only thick filaments are present. Between myofibrils in the intermyofibrillar network, the cell contains glycogen, lipid, mitochondria, and triads. Mitochondria are dark, ovoid structures found mostly next to the I bands. Triads, located at A-I junctions, are seen better on Image 20 than here.

Click to see larger picture Media file 20: Normal muscle. High-power electron photomicrograph shows 2 triads in the middle third of the picture. They are composed of 2 lateral sacs, which are expanded regions of sarcoplasmic reticulum, on either side of a central portion of T tubule. The T tubule is continuous with the sarcolemma at the surface of the muscle cell. Triads are seen at the A-I junction. Several ovoid mitochondria are noted. Pinpoint granular material is glycogen.
Normal muscle. High-power electron photomicrograp...

Normal muscle. High-power electron photomicrograph shows 2 triads in the middle third of the picture. They are composed of 2 lateral sacs, which are expanded regions of sarcoplasmic reticulum, on either side of a central portion of T tubule. The T tubule is continuous with the sarcolemma at the surface of the muscle cell. Triads are seen at the A-I junction. Several ovoid mitochondria are noted. Pinpoint granular material is glycogen.

Click to see larger picture Media file 21: Normal muscle. Electron microscopy of a type 1 myofiber shows abundant and fairly large mitochondria. Round, pale homogeneous bodies adjacent to the mitochondria are lipid droplets, which are abundant in type 1 myofibers compared with type 2 myofibers shown in Image 22.
Normal muscle. Electron microscopy of a type 1 my...

Normal muscle. Electron microscopy of a type 1 myofiber shows abundant and fairly large mitochondria. Round, pale homogeneous bodies adjacent to the mitochondria are lipid droplets, which are abundant in type 1 myofibers compared with type 2 myofibers shown in Image 22.

Click to see larger picture Media file 22: Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of a normal type 2 myofiber shows the small, less conspicuous mitochondria and low lipid content of type 2 fibers compared with the type 1 myofiber shown in Image 21.
Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of a norm...

Normal muscle. Electron photomicrograph of a normal type 2 myofiber shows the small, less conspicuous mitochondria and low lipid content of type 2 fibers compared with the type 1 myofiber shown in Image 21.

Click to see larger picture Media file 23: Improper handling of a muscle biopsy sample. Hematoxylin-eosin–stained section is from a muscle sample that arrived in the laboratory stuck to dry ice; this improper handling caused uneven freezing of the sample. Compare this with the normal structure of muscle in hematoxylin-eosin–stained sections of muscle that were properly handled. This error can interfere with diagnosis.
Improper handling of a muscle biopsy sample. Hema...

Improper handling of a muscle biopsy sample. Hematoxylin-eosin–stained section is from a muscle sample that arrived in the laboratory stuck to dry ice; this improper handling caused uneven freezing of the sample. Compare this with the normal structure of muscle in hematoxylin-eosin–stained sections of muscle that were properly handled. This error can interfere with diagnosis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 24: Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. This specimen was dropped into cold fixative in the operating room without first immobilizing it at rest length. The result was artifactual hypercontraction of the myofibers, mimicking acute infarction of muscle.
Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, hematoxy...

Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. This specimen was dropped into cold fixative in the operating room without first immobilizing it at rest length. The result was artifactual hypercontraction of the myofibers, mimicking acute infarction of muscle.

Click to see larger picture Media file 25: Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, electron micrograph. The surgeon was instructed to mince the muscle and place it in glutaraldehyde in the operating room. Compare the internal architectural disarray with the normal internal ultrastructural appearance of muscle in Images 19-22.
Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, electron...

Improperly handled muscle biopsy sample, electron micrograph. The surgeon was instructed to mince the muscle and place it in glutaraldehyde in the operating room. Compare the internal architectural disarray with the normal internal ultrastructural appearance of muscle in Images 19-22.

Click to see larger picture Media file 26: Neurogenic atrophy. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained section shows an isolated angulated atrophic fiber that is dark with this stain. This is a characteristic image of a denervated fiber.
Neurogenic atrophy. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleo...

Neurogenic atrophy. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained section shows an isolated angulated atrophic fiber that is dark with this stain. This is a characteristic image of a denervated fiber.

Click to see larger picture Media file 27: Neurogenic process, fiber-type grouping, myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5. When reinnervation occurs, myofiber types cluster instead of having the normal random checkerboard distribution of the 2 myofiber types illustrated in Images 11-13. Left side shows a field composed exclusively of type 2 myofibers stained brown. Right side shows a field of type 1 myofibers stained pink.
Neurogenic process, fiber-type grouping, myosin a...

Neurogenic process, fiber-type grouping, myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5. When reinnervation occurs, myofiber types cluster instead of having the normal random checkerboard distribution of the 2 myofiber types illustrated in Images 11-13. Left side shows a field composed exclusively of type 2 myofibers stained brown. Right side shows a field of type 1 myofibers stained pink.

Click to see larger picture Media file 28: Neurogenic atrophy and group atrophy on hematoxylin-eosin–staining. Small group of angulated atrophic fibers are shown at the center.
Neurogenic atrophy and group atrophy on hematoxyl...

Neurogenic atrophy and group atrophy on hematoxylin-eosin–staining. Small group of angulated atrophic fibers are shown at the center.

Click to see larger picture Media file 29: Neurogenic process, target fibers, on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Several target fibers are distributed throughout the image. These fibers contain central round, clear central areas with a peripheral dark rim. These fibers occasionally have a third zone of intermediate density and are observed in acute denervation and reinnervation.
Neurogenic process, target fibers, on nicotinamid...

Neurogenic process, target fibers, on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Several target fibers are distributed throughout the image. These fibers contain central round, clear central areas with a peripheral dark rim. These fibers occasionally have a third zone of intermediate density and are observed in acute denervation and reinnervation.

Click to see larger picture Media file 30: Neurogenic process, nuclear clumps, hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two clusters of blue nuclei can be observed midway from top to bottom. These clusters often are a feature of neurogenic atrophy, though they can be observed settings when severe atrophy of the muscle is present.
Neurogenic process, nuclear clumps, hematoxylin-e...

Neurogenic process, nuclear clumps, hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two clusters of blue nuclei can be observed midway from top to bottom. These clusters often are a feature of neurogenic atrophy, though they can be observed settings when severe atrophy of the muscle is present.

Click to see larger picture Media file 31: Myofiber necrosis, hematoxylin-eosin–stain. Center of the field of this slightly tangential section shows a single necrotic myofiber. Cytoplasm is slightly paler than the surrounding fibers and has lost striations, which can be seen in the adjacent intact fibers.
Myofiber necrosis, hematoxylin-eosin–stain....

Myofiber necrosis, hematoxylin-eosin–stain. Center of the field of this slightly tangential section shows a single necrotic myofiber. Cytoplasm is slightly paler than the surrounding fibers and has lost striations, which can be seen in the adjacent intact fibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 32: Myophagocytosis, frozen section, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Single fiber approximately in the center of the field has pale cytoplasm and numerous nuclei, some associated with foamy cytoplasm. These cells are macrophages that are removing cellular debris.
Myophagocytosis, frozen section, hematoxylin-eosi...

Myophagocytosis, frozen section, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Single fiber approximately in the center of the field has pale cytoplasm and numerous nuclei, some associated with foamy cytoplasm. These cells are macrophages that are removing cellular debris.

Click to see larger picture Media file 33: Regeneration, paraffin section, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Small cluster of regenerating fibers course through the center of this image. They have basophilic, or slightly blue, cytoplasm. Nuclei are prominent and contain conspicuous nucleoli.
Regeneration, paraffin section, hematoxylin-eosin...

Regeneration, paraffin section, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Small cluster of regenerating fibers course through the center of this image. They have basophilic, or slightly blue, cytoplasm. Nuclei are prominent and contain conspicuous nucleoli.

Click to see larger picture Media file 34: Myopathic rounded atrophic fibers on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Specimen from a patient with muscular dystrophy has greater-than-normal variability in fiber size due to both hypertrophy and atrophy. In contrast to fibers in neurogenic atrophy, these atrophic fibers are rounded. (See also Image 70.)
Myopathic rounded atrophic fibers on hematoxylin-...

Myopathic rounded atrophic fibers on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Specimen from a patient with muscular dystrophy has greater-than-normal variability in fiber size due to both hypertrophy and atrophy. In contrast to fibers in neurogenic atrophy, these atrophic fibers are rounded. (See also Image 70.)

Click to see larger picture Media file 35: Myofiber hypertrophy and splitting, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Fibers in this slightly tangential cross-section are enlarged, and a few exhibit splitting in which they are divided into 2 fibers. Ingrowth of endomysium and blood vessels can be observed.
Myofiber hypertrophy and splitting, hematoxylin-e...

Myofiber hypertrophy and splitting, hematoxylin-eosin stain. Fibers in this slightly tangential cross-section are enlarged, and a few exhibit splitting in which they are divided into 2 fibers. Ingrowth of endomysium and blood vessels can be observed.

Click to see larger picture Media file 36: Internal nuclei on hematoxylin-eosin–stained section. Most of the fibers here are large and contain several nuclei in the middle of the cytoplasmic compartment. In normal skeletal muscle, as many as 3% of the myofibers can have internal nuclei, and most are at the periphery of the cell.
Internal nuclei on hematoxylin-eosin–staine...

Internal nuclei on hematoxylin-eosin–stained section. Most of the fibers here are large and contain several nuclei in the middle of the cytoplasmic compartment. In normal skeletal muscle, as many as 3% of the myofibers can have internal nuclei, and most are at the periphery of the cell.

Click to see larger picture Media file 37: Fibrosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Sample from a 10-year-old child with probable congenital muscular dystrophy shows severe endomysial fibrosis. One clue to fibrosis is how far apart the fibers are separated. In normal muscle, the endomysium is so thin it is almost invisible, and the myofibers appear to be in contact with each other. Biopsy sample also shows increased variability of fiber size due to atrophy and an increase in internal nuclei.
Fibrosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained froze...

Fibrosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Sample from a 10-year-old child with probable congenital muscular dystrophy shows severe endomysial fibrosis. One clue to fibrosis is how far apart the fibers are separated. In normal muscle, the endomysium is so thin it is almost invisible, and the myofibers appear to be in contact with each other. Biopsy sample also shows increased variability of fiber size due to atrophy and an increase in internal nuclei.

Click to see larger picture Media file 38: Nuclear chain on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. One fiber near the center contains a row of nuclei lined up, forming a chain. This is a nonspecific, common finding in myopathy.
Nuclear chain on hematoxylin-eosin–stained ...

Nuclear chain on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. One fiber near the center contains a row of nuclei lined up, forming a chain. This is a nonspecific, common finding in myopathy.

Click to see larger picture Media file 39: Moth-eaten fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained section. Many fibers on this section have irregular distribution of the intermyofibrillar network, with many irregular patchy pale areas, in a pattern reminiscent of that formed in a sweater besieged by moths. This is a nonspecific myopathic pattern and indicates that these fibers are not well.
Moth-eaten fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucle...

Moth-eaten fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained section. Many fibers on this section have irregular distribution of the intermyofibrillar network, with many irregular patchy pale areas, in a pattern reminiscent of that formed in a sweater besieged by moths. This is a nonspecific myopathic pattern and indicates that these fibers are not well.

Click to see larger picture Media file 40: Ring fiber in the center of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Myofibrils at the periphery of the fiber are oriented circumferentially instead of longitudinally in the muscle cell. This finding is reported in myotonic dystrophy, but it can also be seen in other circumstances. This specimen is not from a patient with myotonic dystrophy.
Ring fiber in the center of a nicotinamide adenin...

Ring fiber in the center of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Myofibrils at the periphery of the fiber are oriented circumferentially instead of longitudinally in the muscle cell. This finding is reported in myotonic dystrophy, but it can also be seen in other circumstances. This specimen is not from a patient with myotonic dystrophy.

Click to see larger picture Media file 41: Whorled fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Two whorled fibers observed on frozen section are characterized by a coiled appearance of the sarcoplasm.
Whorled fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucleoti...

Whorled fibers on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH) stain. Two whorled fibers observed on frozen section are characterized by a coiled appearance of the sarcoplasm.

Click to see larger picture Media file 42: Vacuoles on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin cross-section show several fibers contain numerous, clear vacuoles in a patient with colchicine myopathy. Vacuoles can be observed in a variety of situations, including certain other toxic myopathies, glycogen storage disease, critical care myopathy, and periodic paralyses. Vacuoles are also observed as freezing artifact in sections that have been frozen with poor technique.
Vacuoles on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraf...

Vacuoles on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin cross-section show several fibers contain numerous, clear vacuoles in a patient with colchicine myopathy. Vacuoles can be observed in a variety of situations, including certain other toxic myopathies, glycogen storage disease, critical care myopathy, and periodic paralyses. Vacuoles are also observed as freezing artifact in sections that have been frozen with poor technique.

Click to see larger picture Media file 43: Inclusions on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Many of the myofibers in this section have fairly large inclusions that consist of homogeneous pale material. This slide is from a patient with tubular aggregate myopathy.
Inclusions on hematoxylin-eosin–stained par...

Inclusions on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Many of the myofibers in this section have fairly large inclusions that consist of homogeneous pale material. This slide is from a patient with tubular aggregate myopathy.

Click to see larger picture Media file 44: Inclusion on oculopharyngeal dystrophy, hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Single small fiber in the top half of the left third of the picture has a small, ovoid inclusion with a faint blue rim. The inclusion contains eosinophilic material. This section also shows greater-than-normal variability of fiber size from the presence of both atrophy and hypertrophy, an increase in internal nuclei, and a single small fiber (dark red) that is probably degenerating.
Inclusion on oculopharyngeal dystrophy, hematoxyl...

Inclusion on oculopharyngeal dystrophy, hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Single small fiber in the top half of the left third of the picture has a small, ovoid inclusion with a faint blue rim. The inclusion contains eosinophilic material. This section also shows greater-than-normal variability of fiber size from the presence of both atrophy and hypertrophy, an increase in internal nuclei, and a single small fiber (dark red) that is probably degenerating.

Click to see larger picture Media file 45: Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Longitudinal section shows a dense, chronic, endomysial inflammatory infiltrate.
Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained p...

Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Longitudinal section shows a dense, chronic, endomysial inflammatory infiltrate.

Click to see larger picture Media file 46: Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Endomysial chronic inflammation is present among intact myofibers that are remarkable only for increased variability of fiber size.
Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained f...

Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Endomysial chronic inflammation is present among intact myofibers that are remarkable only for increased variability of fiber size.

Click to see larger picture Media file 47: Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin stain. Dense endomysial inflammation that contains an abundance of plasma cells in this specimen characterizes chronic polymyositis. Two necrotic myofibers, characterized by densely eosinophilic staining, are shown. Focal fatty infiltration of the muscle is present in the lower left quadrant of the photograph.
Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin stain. Dense en...

Polymyositis on hematoxylin-eosin stain. Dense endomysial inflammation that contains an abundance of plasma cells in this specimen characterizes chronic polymyositis. Two necrotic myofibers, characterized by densely eosinophilic staining, are shown. Focal fatty infiltration of the muscle is present in the lower left quadrant of the photograph.

Click to see larger picture Media file 48: Myotendinous junction on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Segment of dense epimysial connective tissue traverses the field, forming a partial U shape. Myofibers in its vicinity vary in size and shape and have increased numbers of internal nuclei. These findings are expected at a normal myotendinous junction and therefore should not be misinterpreted.
Myotendinous junction on hematoxylin-eosin–...

Myotendinous junction on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Segment of dense epimysial connective tissue traverses the field, forming a partial U shape. Myofibers in its vicinity vary in size and shape and have increased numbers of internal nuclei. These findings are expected at a normal myotendinous junction and therefore should not be misinterpreted.

Click to see larger picture Media file 49: Forms of myositis. Fasciitis may be added to this list. Muscle pathology in the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, eosinophilic fasciitis (Schulman syndrome), and relapsing perimyositis belong in this category.
Forms of myositis. Fasciitis may be added to this...

Forms of myositis. Fasciitis may be added to this list. Muscle pathology in the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, eosinophilic fasciitis (Schulman syndrome), and relapsing perimyositis belong in this category.

Click to see larger picture Media file 50: Polymyositis, hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section shows an attack on a nonnecrotic myofiber by autoaggressive T lymphocytes. Left, Central myofiber is intact. Right, it is obliterated by a segmental inflammatory attack. If immunohistochemical studies were performed, expected findings would include an admixture of CD8 T lymphocytes and macrophages in the inflammatory process.
Polymyositis, hematoxylin-eosin–stained par...

Polymyositis, hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section shows an attack on a nonnecrotic myofiber by autoaggressive T lymphocytes. Left, Central myofiber is intact. Right, it is obliterated by a segmental inflammatory attack. If immunohistochemical studies were performed, expected findings would include an admixture of CD8 T lymphocytes and macrophages in the inflammatory process.

Click to see larger picture Media file 51: Dermatomyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. In dermatomyositis, inflammation is characteristically perivascular and perimysial. Vessel oriented approximately vertically in the center of the image has a mild perivascular chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The endothelium is plump. The wall is not necrotic. A few lymphocytes in the wall of the vessel are probably in transit from the lumen to the external aspect of the vessel. Some observers may interpret this finding as vasculitis, but it is certainly neither necrotizing nor arteritis.
Dermatomyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–staine...

Dermatomyositis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. In dermatomyositis, inflammation is characteristically perivascular and perimysial. Vessel oriented approximately vertically in the center of the image has a mild perivascular chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The endothelium is plump. The wall is not necrotic. A few lymphocytes in the wall of the vessel are probably in transit from the lumen to the external aspect of the vessel. Some observers may interpret this finding as vasculitis, but it is certainly neither necrotizing nor arteritis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 52: Dermatomyositis, perifascicular atrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fascicles in this sample show atrophy predominantly at the periphery, along the connective tissue border. Ischemia is considered to cause perifascicular atrophy. This is a characteristic finding of dermatomyositis, most often associated with the juvenile form but also observed in adult dermatomyositis.
Dermatomyositis, perifascicular atrophy, on hemat...

Dermatomyositis, perifascicular atrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fascicles in this sample show atrophy predominantly at the periphery, along the connective tissue border. Ischemia is considered to cause perifascicular atrophy. This is a characteristic finding of dermatomyositis, most often associated with the juvenile form but also observed in adult dermatomyositis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 53: Dermatomyositis on immunofluorescence for membrane attack complex of complement (MAC). Bright ring of yellow-green fluorescence at the center of represents MAC in the wall of a microvessel. This finding is not present after treatment with steroids.
Dermatomyositis on immunofluorescence for membran...

Dermatomyositis on immunofluorescence for membrane attack complex of complement (MAC). Bright ring of yellow-green fluorescence at the center of represents MAC in the wall of a microvessel. This finding is not present after treatment with steroids.

Click to see larger picture Media file 54: Dermatomyositis, tuboreticular inclusion in endothelial cell, on electron microscopy. Endothelial cell, identified by the presence of many pinocytotic vesicles, contains an inclusion composed of an aggregate of undulating tubules.
Dermatomyositis, tuboreticular inclusion in endot...

Dermatomyositis, tuboreticular inclusion in endothelial cell, on electron microscopy. Endothelial cell, identified by the presence of many pinocytotic vesicles, contains an inclusion composed of an aggregate of undulating tubules.

Click to see larger picture Media file 55: Inclusion-body myositis, immune attack on nonnecrotic fiber, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin. Just below the center, a fiber is under immune attack. Right, Fiber is intact. Left, Sarcoplasm is disrupted and the fiber contains numerous chronic inflammatory cells. A blood vessel partially out of the plane of section, with a perivascular infiltrate adjacent to the wall, is above the affected myofiber.
Inclusion-body myositis, immune attack on nonnecr...

Inclusion-body myositis, immune attack on nonnecrotic fiber, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin. Just below the center, a fiber is under immune attack. Right, Fiber is intact. Left, Sarcoplasm is disrupted and the fiber contains numerous chronic inflammatory cells. A blood vessel partially out of the plane of section, with a perivascular infiltrate adjacent to the wall, is above the affected myofiber.

Click to see larger picture Media file 56: Inclusion-body myositis, hypertrophy, and other myopathic features, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Several fibers are large, and several are split. Split fibers can be identified as groups of 2 or more fibers that fit together in a single nest and share an imaginary outline, as opposed to the normal situation where fibers fit together in a mosaic pattern. Atrophy is also characteristic of inclusion-body myositis. Here, the atrophy shares characteristics with neurogenic atrophy in that the atrophic fibers are angulated and occur in groups. A few dead fibers undergoing myophagocytosis are found. Increase in internal nuclei and mild endomysial fibrosis are present.
Inclusion-body myositis, hypertrophy, and other m...

Inclusion-body myositis, hypertrophy, and other myopathic features, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Several fibers are large, and several are split. Split fibers can be identified as groups of 2 or more fibers that fit together in a single nest and share an imaginary outline, as opposed to the normal situation where fibers fit together in a mosaic pattern. Atrophy is also characteristic of inclusion-body myositis. Here, the atrophy shares characteristics with neurogenic atrophy in that the atrophic fibers are angulated and occur in groups. A few dead fibers undergoing myophagocytosis are found. Increase in internal nuclei and mild endomysial fibrosis are present.

Click to see larger picture Media file 57: Inclusion-body myositis, rimmed vacuoles, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Myofiber in the center of the image near the periphery of the fascicle contains 2 rimmed vacuoles, which are clear vacuoles lined by blue granular material. Extensive fibrosis and severe atrophy of some of the fibers are also present.
Inclusion-body myositis, rimmed vacuoles, on hema...

Inclusion-body myositis, rimmed vacuoles, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Myofiber in the center of the image near the periphery of the fascicle contains 2 rimmed vacuoles, which are clear vacuoles lined by blue granular material. Extensive fibrosis and severe atrophy of some of the fibers are also present.

Click to see larger picture Media file 58: Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two large myofibers in the central region of the image contain dense eosinophilic inclusions surrounded by basophilic granular material. These inclusions may be cytoplasmic, within rimmed vacuoles, or they may be present within nuclei. These inclusions stain for amyloid precursor protein, ubiquitin, tau, and prion protein, which are characteristic of central neurodegenerative diseases.
Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, ...

Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two large myofibers in the central region of the image contain dense eosinophilic inclusions surrounded by basophilic granular material. These inclusions may be cytoplasmic, within rimmed vacuoles, or they may be present within nuclei. These inclusions stain for amyloid precursor protein, ubiquitin, tau, and prion protein, which are characteristic of central neurodegenerative diseases.

Click to see larger picture Media file 59: Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, on high-powered hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Large, fairly homogeneous eosinophilic inclusion within a myofiber is near the center. This is surrounded by basophilic granular material. (See also Image 58.)
Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, ...

Inclusion-body myositis, eosinophilic inclusion, on high-powered hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Large, fairly homogeneous eosinophilic inclusion within a myofiber is near the center. This is surrounded by basophilic granular material. (See also Image 58.)

Click to see larger picture Media file 60: Inclusion-body myositis, tubulofilamentous inclusions, on electron microscopy. Characteristic tubulofilaments of the inclusions of inclusion-body myositis are seen in both cross-section and longitudinal section in the cytoplasm of a myofiber in the center and lower left quadrant of this electron micrograph. They are 15-18 nm in diameter.
Inclusion-body myositis, tubulofilamentous inclus...

Inclusion-body myositis, tubulofilamentous inclusions, on electron microscopy. Characteristic tubulofilaments of the inclusions of inclusion-body myositis are seen in both cross-section and longitudinal section in the cytoplasm of a myofiber in the center and lower left quadrant of this electron micrograph. They are 15-18 nm in diameter.

Click to see larger picture Media file 61: Trichinosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Larva of Trichinella spiralis occupies the center of the image. Below it, a chronic perivascular infiltrate courses horizontally across the field.
Trichinosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained pa...

Trichinosis on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Larva of Trichinella spiralis occupies the center of the image. Below it, a chronic perivascular infiltrate courses horizontally across the field.

Click to see larger picture Media file 62: Drug reaction on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin specimen. Numerous eosinophils, identified by their bright red cytoplasm, are located adjacent to a microvessel; these are determined by clinicopathologic correlation to be most consistent with a drug reaction. Small cluster of eosinophils on the right side of the image may be in the lumen of the vessel.
Drug reaction on hematoxylin-eosin–stained ...

Drug reaction on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin specimen. Numerous eosinophils, identified by their bright red cytoplasm, are located adjacent to a microvessel; these are determined by clinicopathologic correlation to be most consistent with a drug reaction. Small cluster of eosinophils on the right side of the image may be in the lumen of the vessel.

Click to see larger picture Media file 63: Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myopathic features, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Sample shows marked endomysial and perimysial fibrosis and increased variability of fiber size due to the presence of atrophy and hypertrophy of myofibers.
Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, my...

Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myopathic features, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Sample shows marked endomysial and perimysial fibrosis and increased variability of fiber size due to the presence of atrophy and hypertrophy of myofibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 64: Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two fibers that occupy this section originate from a single hypertrophied fiber that split by the ingrowth of connective tissue. Any fiber-typing stain demonstrates that these 2 fibers are of the same myofiber type (not shown).
Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on...

Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Two fibers that occupy this section originate from a single hypertrophied fiber that split by the ingrowth of connective tissue. Any fiber-typing stain demonstrates that these 2 fibers are of the same myofiber type (not shown).

Click to see larger picture Media file 65: Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Necrotic myofiber, with pale cytoplasm, is undergoing myophagocytosis. Image also shows an increase in internal nuclei, increased variability of myofiber size, and 2 opaque fibers just below the necrotic fiber and prominent fibrosis.
Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on...

Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Necrotic myofiber, with pale cytoplasm, is undergoing myophagocytosis. Image also shows an increase in internal nuclei, increased variability of myofiber size, and 2 opaque fibers just below the necrotic fiber and prominent fibrosis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 66: Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, opaque fibers, on hematoxylin-eosin stain. Occasional fibers scattered throughout this biopsy sample are large, dark red, and glassy. Termed opaque fibers, they represent hypercontracted fibers. Sample also shows increased variability of fiber size, focal myofiber necrosis, mild increase in internal nuclei, and extensive fibrosis of both perimysium and endomysium.
Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, op...

Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, opaque fibers, on hematoxylin-eosin stain. Occasional fibers scattered throughout this biopsy sample are large, dark red, and glassy. Termed opaque fibers, they represent hypercontracted fibers. Sample also shows increased variability of fiber size, focal myofiber necrosis, mild increase in internal nuclei, and extensive fibrosis of both perimysium and endomysium.

Click to see larger picture Media file 67: Normal muscle, dystrophin immunohistochemistry, on frozen section. Sample of normal muscle stained with an antibody to dystrophin shows the normal subsarcolemmal localization of this protein demonstrated by the linear peripheral brown staining of every myofiber.
Normal muscle, dystrophin immunohistochemistry, o...

Normal muscle, dystrophin immunohistochemistry, on frozen section. Sample of normal muscle stained with an antibody to dystrophin shows the normal subsarcolemmal localization of this protein demonstrated by the linear peripheral brown staining of every myofiber.

Click to see larger picture Media file 68: Dystrophinopathy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, dystrophin immunohistochemical test, on frozen section. Fibers of this muscle fail to stain with antibodies to the dystrophin molecule. A single fiber does stain for dystrophin. This is a revertant fiber, one in which a second mutation in the large dystrophin gene has restored the patient's ability to produce dystrophin. The identical result is obtained with antibodies specific for the N-terminal, C-terminal, and mid-rod portions of the dystrophin molecule. Image 67 shows the pattern of staining expected when dystrophin is present, for comparison.
Click to see larger picture Media file 69: Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Necrotic fiber undergoing myophagocytosis occupies the central zone of this image. Focal, mild, chronic inflammatory response is observed surrounding the fiber. Striations are visible in the surrounding intact myofibers.
Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on h...

Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Necrotic fiber undergoing myophagocytosis occupies the central zone of this image. Focal, mild, chronic inflammatory response is observed surrounding the fiber. Striations are visible in the surrounding intact myofibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 70: Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Muscle biopsy demonstrates greater-than-normal variability of fiber size due to atrophy and hypertrophy. Most of the atrophic fibers have rounded contours. Mild increase in internal nuclei is also present. (See also Image 34.)
Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on h...

Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Muscle biopsy demonstrates greater-than-normal variability of fiber size due to atrophy and hypertrophy. Most of the atrophic fibers have rounded contours. Mild increase in internal nuclei is also present. (See also Image 34.)

Click to see larger picture Media file 71: Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Split fiber is observed in the center. Number of internal nuclei is increased.
Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on h...

Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Split fiber is observed in the center. Number of internal nuclei is increased.

Click to see larger picture Media file 72: Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on dystrophin immunohistochemical frozen section. Section, stained with an antibody to the C-terminal region of dystrophin, demonstrates a normal pattern of staining in all of the muscle fibers, including the split fiber above the center of the picture.
Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on d...

Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on dystrophin immunohistochemical frozen section. Section, stained with an antibody to the C-terminal region of dystrophin, demonstrates a normal pattern of staining in all of the muscle fibers, including the split fiber above the center of the picture.

Click to see larger picture Media file 73: Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on dystrophin immunohistochemical, frozen section. Section, stained with an antibody to the N-terminal region of dystrophin, demonstrates absence of subsarcolemmal staining, meaning that this portion of the molecule is absent. Compare with Image 72, from the same patient, which demonstrates the presence of the C-terminal portion of dystrophin. The diffuse background staining in this picture is not clinically significant.
Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on d...

Dystrophinopathy, Becker muscular dystrophy, on dystrophin immunohistochemical, frozen section. Section, stained with an antibody to the N-terminal region of dystrophin, demonstrates absence of subsarcolemmal staining, meaning that this portion of the molecule is absent. Compare with Image 72, from the same patient, which demonstrates the presence of the C-terminal portion of dystrophin. The diffuse background staining in this picture is not clinically significant.

Click to see larger picture Media file 74: Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin alpha-2 (merosin) deficiency on dystrophin immunohistochemical test, frozen section. Preparation demonstrates normal staining with antibody to dystrophin, which is present with all 3 antidystrophin antibodies. This muscle sample is not normal. Moderate variability of fiber size and fibrosis, which can be identified because the fibers are farther apart from each other than normal, are present.
Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin alpha-...

Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin alpha-2 (merosin) deficiency on dystrophin immunohistochemical test, frozen section. Preparation demonstrates normal staining with antibody to dystrophin, which is present with all 3 antidystrophin antibodies. This muscle sample is not normal. Moderate variability of fiber size and fibrosis, which can be identified because the fibers are farther apart from each other than normal, are present.

Click to see larger picture Media file 75: Congenital muscular dystrophy due to deficiency of laminin alpha-2 (also known as merosin) on laminin alpha-2 immunohistochemical test, frozen section. Muscle fibers show no staining with an antibody to laminin alpha-2 (merosin), a protein normally found within the basal lamina of myofibers. Image 76 shows a normal control.
Congenital muscular dystrophy due to deficiency o...

Congenital muscular dystrophy due to deficiency of laminin alpha-2 (also known as merosin) on laminin alpha-2 immunohistochemical test, frozen section. Muscle fibers show no staining with an antibody to laminin alpha-2 (merosin), a protein normally found within the basal lamina of myofibers. Image 76 shows a normal control.

Click to see larger picture Media file 76: Normal muscle, merosin immunohistochemical test, on frozen section. Normal staining pattern of antibody to laminin alpha-2 (merosin) is demonstrated as a red reaction product on the periphery of the muscle fibers.
Normal muscle, merosin immunohistochemical test, ...

Normal muscle, merosin immunohistochemical test, on frozen section. Normal staining pattern of antibody to laminin alpha-2 (merosin) is demonstrated as a red reaction product on the periphery of the muscle fibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 77: Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (infantile spinal muscular atrophy [SMA] I), on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fibers range from small to large. Clustering of the largest fibers, (on the right side) is a characteristic finding of this disorder.
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (infantile spinal muscul...

Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (infantile spinal muscular atrophy [SMA] I), on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fibers range from small to large. Clustering of the largest fibers, (on the right side) is a characteristic finding of this disorder.

Click to see larger picture Media file 78: Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at pH 4.3. Type 1 myofibers are brown, and type 2 myofibers are pink. The smallest and largest fibers are type 1, and the large type 1 fibers are clustering. These are the characteristic pathologic findings of this disorder.
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, myosin adenosine tripho...

Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at pH 4.3. Type 1 myofibers are brown, and type 2 myofibers are pink. The smallest and largest fibers are type 1, and the large type 1 fibers are clustering. These are the characteristic pathologic findings of this disorder.

Click to see larger picture Media file 79: Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Several myofibers throughout this sample have numerous clear vacuoles in the sarcoplasm.
Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on...

Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained paraffin section. Several myofibers throughout this sample have numerous clear vacuoles in the sarcoplasm.

Click to see larger picture Media file 80: Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on electron micrography. Huge aggregates of membrane-bound intralysosomal glycogen are observed in this myofiber.
Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on...

Type II glycogenosis, acid maltase deficiency, on electron micrography. Huge aggregates of membrane-bound intralysosomal glycogen are observed in this myofiber.

Click to see larger picture Media file 81: Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fiber in the central region of the image contains several subsarcolemmal vacuoles.
Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency,...

Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Fiber in the central region of the image contains several subsarcolemmal vacuoles.

Click to see larger picture Media file 82: Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section. Most fibers on this section contain large vacuoles with PAS-positive material.
Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency,...

Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section. Most fibers on this section contain large vacuoles with PAS-positive material.

Click to see larger picture Media file 83: Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section, with diastase, which digests glycogen. On this photomicrograph, 2 vacuoles in a myofiber originally stained with PAS are empty after treatment with diastase. This finding proves that the material in the vacuole is glycogen.
Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency,...

Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section, with diastase, which digests glycogen. On this photomicrograph, 2 vacuoles in a myofiber originally stained with PAS are empty after treatment with diastase. This finding proves that the material in the vacuole is glycogen.

Click to see larger picture Media file 84: Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on electron micrography. Huge pool of free glycogen is in the subsarcolemmal zone of the myofiber in the top half of the image. Also note a mild increase in intermyofibrillar glycogen. Elsewhere, this muscle showed abundant free glycogen dissecting the myofibrils.
Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency,...

Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency, on electron micrography. Huge pool of free glycogen is in the subsarcolemmal zone of the myofiber in the top half of the image. Also note a mild increase in intermyofibrillar glycogen. Elsewhere, this muscle showed abundant free glycogen dissecting the myofibrils.

Click to see larger picture Media file 85: Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency on a frozen section stained for myophosphorylase activity. On this section, myofibers show no staining for a product of the activity of myophosphorylase, positively establishing the diagnosis. Image 86 demonstrates the normal control for this stain.
Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency ...

Type V glycogenosis, myophosphorylase deficiency on a frozen section stained for myophosphorylase activity. On this section, myofibers show no staining for a product of the activity of myophosphorylase, positively establishing the diagnosis. Image 86 demonstrates the normal control for this stain.

Click to see larger picture Media file 86: Normal muscle on a frozen section stained for myophosphorylase activity. Normal skeletal muscle specimen shows the delicate black reaction product formed by myophosphorylase activity. Compare with Image 85, from a patient with myophosphorylase deficiency.
Normal muscle on a frozen section stained for myo...

Normal muscle on a frozen section stained for myophosphorylase activity. Normal skeletal muscle specimen shows the delicate black reaction product formed by myophosphorylase activity. Compare with Image 85, from a patient with myophosphorylase deficiency.

Click to see larger picture Media file 87: Mitochondrial myopathy, trichrome frozen section. Observe the classic ragged red fiber in the center of the field. Peripheral rim of red staining represents aggregates of mitochondria.
Mitochondrial myopathy, trichrome frozen section....

Mitochondrial myopathy, trichrome frozen section. Observe the classic ragged red fiber in the center of the field. Peripheral rim of red staining represents aggregates of mitochondria.

Click to see larger picture Media file 88: Mitochondrial myopathy, on a frozen section stain for cytochrome oxidase (COX) activity. In this section, 3 populations of myofibers can be identified. Type 1 myofibers stain the darkest golden brown, and type 2 fibers are lighter tan-brown. Third population consists of pale fibers; these are COX-negative fibers.
Mitochondrial myopathy, on a frozen section stain...

Mitochondrial myopathy, on a frozen section stain for cytochrome oxidase (COX) activity. In this section, 3 populations of myofibers can be identified. Type 1 myofibers stain the darkest golden brown, and type 2 fibers are lighter tan-brown. Third population consists of pale fibers; these are COX-negative fibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 89: Mitochondrial myopathy, combined staining for the activities of cytochrome oxidase (COX) and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), frozen section. On this image, the fibers that stain for both the activity of COX and SDH are taupe. This results from the combined brown color of the stain for COX activity and the blue of the SDH activity. (See Image 88 for the color of the COX-positive fibers without the simultaneous SDH stain.) Blue fibers are those that stain only for SDH activity because of absence of COX activity. Several blue fibers have subsarcolemmal dense blue stain. SDH is a mitochondrial enzyme, so the dark blue rim represents aggregates of mitochondria. These fibers correspond to the ragged red fibers on trichrome stain. All of these fibers in the COX/SDH preparation are negative for COX.
Mitochondrial myopathy, combined staining for the...

Mitochondrial myopathy, combined staining for the activities of cytochrome oxidase (COX) and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), frozen section. On this image, the fibers that stain for both the activity of COX and SDH are taupe. This results from the combined brown color of the stain for COX activity and the blue of the SDH activity. (See Image 88 for the color of the COX-positive fibers without the simultaneous SDH stain.) Blue fibers are those that stain only for SDH activity because of absence of COX activity. Several blue fibers have subsarcolemmal dense blue stain. SDH is a mitochondrial enzyme, so the dark blue rim represents aggregates of mitochondria. These fibers correspond to the ragged red fibers on trichrome stain. All of these fibers in the COX/SDH preparation are negative for COX.

Click to see larger picture Media file 90: Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. Large number of enormous mitochondria can be seen in the intermyofibrillar network of this myofiber. These mitochondria are larger than entire sarcomeres. Normal mitochondria are smaller than sarcomeres. For comparison, see Images 20-22, which show normal mitochondria.
Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. L...

Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. Large number of enormous mitochondria can be seen in the intermyofibrillar network of this myofiber. These mitochondria are larger than entire sarcomeres. Normal mitochondria are smaller than sarcomeres. For comparison, see Images 20-22, which show normal mitochondria.

Click to see larger picture Media file 91: Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. At high magnification, some of the mitochondria in Image 90 contain paracrystalline material. They lack the normal configuration of cristae formed by the inner mitochondrial membrane of normal mitochondria.
Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. A...

Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. At high magnification, some of the mitochondria in Image 90 contain paracrystalline material. They lack the normal configuration of cristae formed by the inner mitochondrial membrane of normal mitochondria.

Click to see larger picture Media file 92: Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. Many morphologically abnormal mitochondria contain dense crystalline inclusions.
Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. M...

Mitochondrial myopathy on electron micrography. Many morphologically abnormal mitochondria contain dense crystalline inclusions.

Click to see larger picture Media file 93: Nemaline myopathy on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Biopsy sample from a patient with nemaline myopathy has only a mild increase in internal nuclei. Small, faint, clear holes in the myofibers represent slight freeze artifact.
Nemaline myopathy on hematoxylin-eosin–stai...

Nemaline myopathy on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Biopsy sample from a patient with nemaline myopathy has only a mild increase in internal nuclei. Small, faint, clear holes in the myofibers represent slight freeze artifact.

Click to see larger picture Media file 94: Nemaline myopathy on trichrome-stained frozen section. Many fibers contain inclusions. They appear dark blue, but when viewed with a microscope, they are red. These inclusions are the nemaline rods of this congenital myopathy.
Nemaline myopathy on trichrome-stained frozen sec...

Nemaline myopathy on trichrome-stained frozen section. Many fibers contain inclusions. They appear dark blue, but when viewed with a microscope, they are red. These inclusions are the nemaline rods of this congenital myopathy.

Click to see larger picture Media file 95: Nemaline myopathy on trichrome stain. One myofiber contains 2 clusters of nemaline rods. They appear blue-red and have a slightly elongated, granular appearance.
Nemaline myopathy on trichrome stain. One myofibe...

Nemaline myopathy on trichrome stain. One myofiber contains 2 clusters of nemaline rods. They appear blue-red and have a slightly elongated, granular appearance.

Click to see larger picture Media file 96: Nemaline myopathy on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. A marked predominance of type 1 myofibers is present; this is a common occurrence in some congenital myopathies. Type 1 myofibers are pink and type 2 fibers are brown. Clear holes in many of these fibers are from freezing artifact.
Nemaline myopathy on myosin adenosine triphosphat...

Nemaline myopathy on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. A marked predominance of type 1 myofibers is present; this is a common occurrence in some congenital myopathies. Type 1 myofibers are pink and type 2 fibers are brown. Clear holes in many of these fibers are from freezing artifact.

Click to see larger picture Media file 97: Nemaline myopathy on electron micrography. Many electron-dense fibrillar structures originate in Z bands. This muscle biopsy sample was not clamped before fixation; therefore, the usual orderly ultrastructural architecture of the myofibers was not preserved. Nonetheless, in this patient, the nemaline rods are observed and identified easily.
Nemaline myopathy on electron micrography. Many e...

Nemaline myopathy on electron micrography. Many electron-dense fibrillar structures originate in Z bands. This muscle biopsy sample was not clamped before fixation; therefore, the usual orderly ultrastructural architecture of the myofibers was not preserved. Nonetheless, in this patient, the nemaline rods are observed and identified easily.

Click to see larger picture Media file 98: Central core disease on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Look closely, particularly at the large fibers at the top of the image; faint abnormality can be detected in the center of some myofibers. These are the central cores, which are almost invisible on hematoxylin-eosin sections. In this patient, because of atrophy of occasional fibers, variability of fiber size is greater than normal.
Central core disease on hematoxylin-eosin–s...

Central core disease on hematoxylin-eosin–stained frozen section. Look closely, particularly at the large fibers at the top of the image; faint abnormality can be detected in the center of some myofibers. These are the central cores, which are almost invisible on hematoxylin-eosin sections. In this patient, because of atrophy of occasional fibers, variability of fiber size is greater than normal.

Click to see larger picture Media file 99: Central core disease on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. Two pale myofibers contain central clear round areas. The central cores are found in type 1 fibers.
Central core disease on myosin adenosine triphosp...

Central core disease on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. Two pale myofibers contain central clear round areas. The central cores are found in type 1 fibers.

Click to see larger picture Media file 100: Tubular aggregate myopathy on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section. Many of the fibers in this image contain fairly large inclusions that are PAS positive.
Tubular aggregate myopathy on periodic acid-Schif...

Tubular aggregate myopathy on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–stained frozen section. Many of the fibers in this image contain fairly large inclusions that are PAS positive.

Click to see larger picture Media file 101: Tubular aggregate myopathy on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. Type 2 myofibers are brown; these contain inclusions.
Tubular aggregate myopathy on myosin adenosine tr...

Tubular aggregate myopathy on myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pH 10.5 frozen section. Type 2 myofibers are brown; these contain inclusions.

Click to see larger picture Media file 102: Tubular aggregate myopathy, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained frozen section. Many type 2 myofibers, identified by their light staining compared with type 1 fibers, contain inclusions that are dark with this stain.
Tubular aggregate myopathy, nicotinamide adenine ...

Tubular aggregate myopathy, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–stained frozen section. Many type 2 myofibers, identified by their light staining compared with type 1 fibers, contain inclusions that are dark with this stain.

Click to see larger picture Media file 103: Frozen section stained for succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity shows tubular aggregate myopathy. Inclusions can be seen, but they do not stain for SDH. The finding of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–positive, SDH-negative inclusion is exceptional and highly suggestive of this diagnosis.
Frozen section stained for succinic dehydrogenase...

Frozen section stained for succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity shows tubular aggregate myopathy. Inclusions can be seen, but they do not stain for SDH. The finding of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH)–positive, SDH-negative inclusion is exceptional and highly suggestive of this diagnosis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 104: Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. Cross-section reveals the tubular nature of the inclusions. Tubular aggregate occupies the central zone of the image.
Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. ...

Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. Cross-section reveals the tubular nature of the inclusions. Tubular aggregate occupies the central zone of the image.

Click to see larger picture Media file 105: Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. Tubular aggregate, in slightly tangential section, runs from the upper left to lower right. Middle of the image, on the left side of the aggregate, demonstrates continuity of the tubules with the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. ...

Tubular aggregate myopathy, electron micrograph. Tubular aggregate, in slightly tangential section, runs from the upper left to lower right. Middle of the image, on the left side of the aggregate, demonstrates continuity of the tubules with the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Click to see larger picture Media file 106: Perifascicular atrophy, in which atrophic fibers are located at the periphery of the muscle fascicle, as observed in the 2 fascicles in this photograph, is one of the characteristic histopathologic findings that support a diagnosis of dermatomyositis.
Perifascicular atrophy, in which atrophic fibers ...

Perifascicular atrophy, in which atrophic fibers are located at the periphery of the muscle fascicle, as observed in the 2 fascicles in this photograph, is one of the characteristic histopathologic findings that support a diagnosis of dermatomyositis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 107: This muscle specimen is from debridement of a traumatic rupture of a fibularis longus muscle (formerly known as peroneus longus) due to an accident during a baseball game. Before the injury, the patient gave no clinical history related to a possible underlying neuromuscular problem. The biopsy findings are consistent with muscle necrosis and reactive change to the necrosis.
This muscle specimen is from debridement of a tra...

This muscle specimen is from debridement of a traumatic rupture of a fibularis longus muscle (formerly known as peroneus longus) due to an accident during a baseball game. Before the injury, the patient gave no clinical history related to a possible underlying neuromuscular problem. The biopsy findings are consistent with muscle necrosis and reactive change to the necrosis.

Click to see larger picture Media file 108: The accompanying photograph is from an immunohistochemical stain for an antibody to dystrophin. It shows many fibers that do not appear to have dystrophin and a cluster of fibers in the center of the field that have a brown rim, indicating that they do produce dystrophin. The presence of these "revertant" fibers is expected in Duchenne dystrophy. It is the result of a small number of fibers that have a second mutation in the large dystrophin gene that restores the reading frame and permits production of dystrophin in these fibers.
The accompanying photograph is from an immunohist...

The accompanying photograph is from an immunohistochemical stain for an antibody to dystrophin. It shows many fibers that do not appear to have dystrophin and a cluster of fibers in the center of the field that have a brown rim, indicating that they do produce dystrophin. The presence of these "revertant" fibers is expected in Duchenne dystrophy. It is the result of a small number of fibers that have a second mutation in the large dystrophin gene that restores the reading frame and permits production of dystrophin in these fibers.


muscle biopsy, skeletal muscle pathology, muscle pathology, myopathy, encephalomyopathy, neuropathy, muscular dystrophy, dystrophinopathy, myofiber, myositis, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, inclusion body myositis, neuromuscular disease, neuromuscular pathology, neurogenic disorder, muscle fiber, glycogen storage disease, mitochondrial myopathy, congenital myopathy